A new major ban wave hits Warzone

The Warzone devs have once again struck a blow by banning over 90,000 accounts in a new wave of bans, but players say it’s still not enough.

It’s been over two years since Warzone launched, and unfortunately, it’s also been over two years since players have been constantly dealing with the major problem of cheaters.

Towards the end of the era on Verdansk, cheaters had even completely taken over the Battle Royale, which was unbearable for the game’s many fans.

In order to solve this problem, developers have therefore had to fight tirelessly and this has resulted in countless waves of bans and the introduction of anti-cheat software Ricochet, although some players are still skeptical of its capabilities. .


RICOCHET was first introduced in December, but players still have doubts about its effectiveness.

And recently, in response to this constant skepticism from gamers, Raven Software rolled out another wave of bans, continuing its efforts to clean up the Battle Royale.

After announcing some of the changes coming to Rebirth Island through the “Reinforced” map update, the developers also indicated that they’ve banned some of Warzone’s more suspicious accounts.

#TeamRICOCHET Update: 90,000 accounts have been deleted in waves of bans this week. Have a good Friday.” they said on Twitter, which immediately led to some celebrations from the players.

I noticed that there were fewer cheaters. Continue like that !” said an impressed player in particular. “I haven’t seen a cheater in a while, GG.added another.

Of course, not everyone shared this enthusiasm and some argued that anti-cheat needs to be “rule” if they only ban 90,000 accounts per week.

Others questioned the devs on the number of “innocent” accounts caught in the crossfire, with some saying they were hit by the ban wave when they were low K/D players.

Although the problem of cheaters is still far from solved, progress seems to be on the right track. Will we have a real effective and reliable anti-cheat system when Warzone 2 launches? In any case, that is what we hope.

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