a new meeting in the “Normandy format” and “difficult” discussions on the crisis

The meeting did not have the expected result. Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France, united in the “Normandy format” – the diplomatic configuration adopted in 2014, during the Donbass war, between Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France – , spoke on Thursday for nine and a half hours about the Ukrainian crisis. “The discussions were difficult and made it possible to clearly highlight the different positions and the different options for a solution”sources close to the French and German negotiators told Agence France-Presse. “The meeting lasted long hours and was difficult”added the French presidency.

“The discussion between the advisers mainly focused on two points: the political measures such as the review of the laws that Ukraine must, within the framework of the Minsk agreements, discuss with the separatists, and the humanitarian measures accompanying these discussions, particularly in terms of the release of prisoners”, detailed the Elysée. The Minsk agreements were signed in 2015 between Kiev and the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine, which has been opposed by an armed conflict since 2014, killing more than 14,000 people, according to a latest UN report.

The discussions come up against one aspect in particular: “Russia agreed to the negotiation on the merits, but finally insisted that it be written that Ukraine negotiates directly with the separatists, which is Ukraine’s only red line”according to the French presidency.

“It was agreed to meet again after the next meetings of the trilateral contact group in March”said the German government, for whom the parties “will continue to work towards full implementation” Minsk agreements. “We continue to make progress on the diplomatic side”confirmed the spokesperson for the French government, Gabriel Attal, on Europe 1.

These discussions took place while Russia, which has massed troops at the gates of Ukraine, is accused of preparing a new military operation against this country, accusations rejected by Moscow, which claims to want to ensure its security against the hostility from Kiev and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

alarmist Washington

Negotiations on military de-escalation around Ukraine are mainly taking place in the “Normandy format”, which enabled the signing of the Minsk protocol in 2014. This expression takes its name from a meeting on June 6, 2014 during the D-Day celebrations at the Château de Bénouville to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine. After a pause of several months, discussions in this same format were relaunched with a meeting in Paris at the end of January, as part of diplomatic efforts to achieve a de-escalation in Ukraine.

At the same time, Moscow is conducting negotiations with the United States alone on the establishment of a new security architecture in Europe, in particular by demanding a halt to NATO’s expansion towards the east and particularly towards Ukraine. , although the latter’s membership of the Atlantic Alliance is not planned.

US President Joe Biden on Thursday called on his nationals to leave Ukraine ” now “ due to the increased risk of a Russian invasion, warning that the situation could “quickly get carried away” despite the diplomatic efforts of recent weeks.

Russia has sent new forces to its border with Ukraine and could launch an invasion at any time, including during the Winter Olympics, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Friday. The Winter Olympics are held in Beijing until February 20.

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Le Monde with AFP and Reuters

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