a new mod that changes everything revealed

Mass Effect fans have just revealed one of the game’s biggest secrets and it changes absolutely everything. Again, modders have talent.

Logically, Starfield much talked about before its release set for September 6 on Xbox and PC. Before him, another RPG license brilliantly exploited the SF genre: Mass Effect. Bioware delivered three high quality episodes filled with poignant moments and strong characters that fans will always hold in their hearts. The output of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition allowed some to immerse themselves in these cult titles and others to discover them. This compilation released in April 2021 gave an idea to modders, who have just unveiled a superb mod that reveals one of the biggest secrets of the license and that changes absolutely everything. However, it is so little after all.

A mod that changes everything in Mass Effect (spoiler alert!)

Mass Effect has many different races that can be found throughout all the opuses of the saga, including the unloved Mass Effect: Andromeda. This contributes to making the universe of Bioware alive, believable and particularly immersive. Except that one of these species is at the center of some frustrations for players: the quarian race. Particularly important in the story of the saga, the quarians all wear a mask to protect themselves from outside biological threats. This is the case of Tali, who joins Shepard’s crew on the Normandy in the first opus and places herself in the top of the most appreciated characters by fans of the franchise.

And if the players of Mass Effect are frustrated is that they have never been able to see the faces of the quarians. You can, however, briefly see Tali’s face in one of the photos in Shepard’s quarters in the Legendary Edition, provided you have a romance with the latter, but nothing too crazy. But here it is, what was the biggest secret of the franchise has just been revealed by the fans. Several modders have indeed created and put online a mod that should appeal to a large number of players. These fans indeed modeled a new face for Tali which turns out to be visible throughout the game behind her mask and did the same for all Quarians. A phenomenal work whose rendering really commands respect and which does honor to the alien species imagined by Bioware.

A mod soon available for the whole trilogy

At the moment, the mod named “Children of Rannoch” is only available for the remastered version of the first Mass Effectbut versions intended for Mass Effect 2 And 3 are well under development. Players are already conquered as can be seen on the mod page. Obviously, we imagine that it will take some time for the team of modders before the project is available for the last two opuses given the number of Quarians they contain. In any case, this is a good reason to (re)discover the first Mass Effecta real video game monument, before diving into the complete trilogy and then into the new opus currently being prepared by the Bioware studio.

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