a new site to find your way around vacant estates

The impots.gouv.fr website offers a new search engine for vacant estates. The aim: to make information on these inheritances more accessible, and to answer the main questions of heirs and creditors.

This is a novelty that should help heirs and creditors alike. The Direction Nationale d’Interventions Domaniales (DNID), attached to the Direction Générale des Finances Publiques, is launching a new service intended to find your way around vacant estates via search engine.

As a reminder, according to article 809 of the civil code, a succession is declared vacant when it is not accepted or claimed by any heir at the end of a period of 6 months from the opening of the succession.

13,000 vacant estates per year

According to the Directorate General of Public Finances, approximately 13,000 cases are involved each year, for assets that exceed 200 million euros. In this case, the administration of the Domain is appointed curator. his responsibility then to liquidate the assets and settle the liabilities of the succession.

The purpose of this new service: to answer questions that creditors and heirs may have and to guide them on their rights and obligations.

Concretely, today, the site informs about the opening of a vacant estate and the degree of progress of the file. This therefore makes it easier to access information to simplify procedures and shorten file processing times.

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This service should evolve rapidly, to enable creditors to produce their claims electronically and securely, or heirs to claim an inheritance.

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