a nice surprise has leaked, it smells very good for the DLC

When a game is successful, publishers and developers are always tempted to take full advantage of this popularity by offering derivative products. This is the case this time with Elden Ring.

A little before the holidays, on December 15, as we had already reported to you on Gameblog, the e-commerce giant Datablitz accidentally revealed a surprise by putting Xbox Series Trust Master controllers online in the colors of Elden Ring. At the time, we only had a vague release window, scheduled for February 2024. At the start of the year, the information became more precise with the leak of the full release date, allowing fans to prepare in advance.

Elden Ring: the nice surprise is coming soon

The leak of the release date of the Elden Ring Xbox controller by Trust Master comes from the 4Chan forum and it is February 25, 2024. The person in question claims to work for Play Asia and to have direct access to this information. As a reminder, Playasia is an online retailer of entertainment products from Asia, based in Hong Kong. Obviously, this information should be taken with a grain of salt, but there is growing evidence, including an image that supports the claims. You can find it all below:

It is still mentioned that this limited edition version will be available to celebrate the release of the Shadow of the World Tree DLC. Additionally, this date coincides with the game’s second anniversary, which adds to the excitement. The icing on the cake, recently, the Japanese firm updated the official Elden Ring playlists on their YouTube channels in America and Asia, thus seeming to prepare for the imminent arrival of the famous DLC. With all these clues, it is becoming more and more difficult to imagine that the game will not be released this month of February 2024. All that remains is to be patient.

Moreover, on Twitter, @Ziostorm1, an active member of the Elden Ring community, recently highlighted unknown DLC content for Elden Ring, found in the files of the PC version of the game. This discovery had place following a recent update, which strongly reinforces the idea of ​​an imminent release of this new content.

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