A Nintendo Direct announced, it smells very good for this highly anticipated game

A Nintendo event is always a highlight, and it turns out that a new presentation is expected very soon. Here’s what we know.

Beyond the big AAAs, the Nintendo Switch is continually enriched with independent games. And this is just like other platforms such as PC, PS5 and Xbox Series. This aspect is crucial for many players, who are not only passionate about the latest Mario or Zelda releases. With this in mind, Nintendo plans to highlight the next independent titles to join its console.

A Nintendo Indie World, what to expect?

It’s official and a 20-minute Indie World is announced for the Tuesday November 14 2023 at 6:00 p.m.. This will be the perfect opportunity to discover the future indie treasures that Nintendo has in store.

Faithful to a now well-established tradition, many players are already speculating about the presence of Hollow Knight: Silksong. One of the most anticipated independent titles, which has been lying low for a while. There is hope to learn more. According to rumors, notably those from renowned leaker Pyroro, we could also be entitled to an announcement regarding the Nintendo Switch version of Outer Wilds. As for the rest, the surprise remains complete.

Although Outer Wilds has been announced for years for Nintendo Switch and has been confirmed several times, giving players hope, news has been scarce for some time. This Indie World could well be an opportunity to have more concrete information, such as a potential release date.

Outer Wilds is considered cult for several reasons. Its innovative approach to space exploration, where curiosity and discovery are rewarded rather than combat, gives it a unique place in the genre. The time loop structure of the game also allows for a very strong narrative. Pushing players to solve puzzles on the scale of a constantly changing solar system. It’s this mix of free exploration, mystery and storytelling that makes Outer Wilds quite a landmark work for video games.

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