A No More Heroes 4 remains possible if many fans ask for it

The PlayStation and Xbox versions of No More Heroes III will arrive during this month of October, and on this occasion, Suda51 toured the media to talk one last time about his series of hearts. This third opus presents itself as the culmination of the adventures of Travis Touchdown, the end point to this trilogy and to this license, but the door is not definitively closed for all that concerning a potential fourth episode.

A series not completely finished?

During an interview with the GNN site, the Japanese creator revealed thata new game No More Heroes could happen one day, but only if the demand is high enough :

Yes, that’s right, No More Heroes 3 is Travis’ last stand. Nobody can say what will happen in 10 years, and I can’t say that either. If there’s a big fan demand, Travis could be back. Just like Tom Cruise returned as Maverick. »

It will therefore be necessary that the fans of the license give voice so that Travis makes his return one day. He also states thathe would like to see a compilation of the trilogy No More Heroesbut that this decision is not hissince it’s his editor Marvelous who decides all that.

If you want to see more No More Heroes, then you know what to do.

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