A “plan for child health” facing a sector in crisis

Will these measures be enough for the pediatric sector to overcome a crisis that has become systemic? And even, more simply, will they make it possible to find a pediatrician, a psychologist, a child psychiatrist, if necessary? On the occasion of the Pediatric Conference, convened on Friday May 24 in Paris, one year behind the initial schedule promised by the government, a roadmap of sixteen major measures, corresponding to 80 actions or devices, is about to be announced. “The objective is to restore momentum to the sector, a dynamic”defends the Minister for Health, Frédéric Valletoux, who is carrying this “plan for child health”, alongside his counterparts responsible for childhood and youth, national education and disability.

Also read (2023) | Article reserved for our subscribers The Pediatric Conference, awaited for a year, now announced for January

Ranging from prevention to research, from the supply of neonatal beds to school medicine, including the mental health of young people and the training of pediatricians, this list of commitments, which The world was able to consult, a very broad mix, mixing some of the measures already announced and new avenues. All inspired by a report, submitted a month ago, by the leaders of these meetings, the professor of pediatrics Christèle Gras-Le Guen and the former Secretary of State in charge of child protection, Adrien Taquet, who himself recommended 400. A way of recognizing the scale of the project.

In this flood of measures, Mr. Valletoux distinguishes a few, for him “structuring” And “priority”. On screening, first: 100% of children must benefit, before entering primary school, from a consultation at 6 years old to help detect possible neurodevelopmental disorders. A meeting which will reinforce, by 2027, the twenty compulsory consultations from which the youngest must benefit.

“Shock of attractiveness”

Still on this aspect of screening, the delegate minister intends to authorize a ” direct access “ to speech therapists, without prior recourse to the attending physician or pediatrician to be reimbursed. Another avenue: to try to revive a dormant school medicine, the government wishes to allow liberal or hospital professionals to come and strengthen the scattered ranks of their colleagues in national education, by opening the possibility of a “mixed exercise”.

The government also knows it is expected on the hospital side. A sector from which, in the winter of 2022-2023, the arrests of thousands of caregivers began, under the pressure of a triple epidemic (flu, bronchiolitis, Covid-19), undermining the services and practices of city. Several dozen infants had, at the time, had to be transferred, particularly from Ile-de-France, due to lack of space in critical care.

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