A preliminary investigation opened against Guillaume Peltier after suspicions of use of public money

The deputy of Loir-et-Cher Guillaume Peltier is the subject of a preliminary investigation, opened by the Blois prosecution, after accusations made by Mediapart of using public money from the National Assembly or the Centre-Val de Loire to serve its interests.

Parliamentary and regional collaborators dedicated to personal tasks?

According to an article by Mediapart, the former vice-president Les Républicains, who recently joined Eric Zemmour’s electoral campaign, would have made his collaborators work for his micro-parties, which have nothing to do with his presidential mandates. ‘elected. The journalists who investigated reveal, with the support of nine testimonies, documents and messages, that all his collaborators would have worked “at 20, 30, 50, even 80%” for his personal political structures. One of them would have been responsible for doing “phoning”, i.e. “calling people as we sell Freeboxes but there, it was to sell Peltier”, when others had to promote from his book Middle of Cordée. A former collaborator even claims to have had to go to Leclerc de Romorantin (Loir-et-Cher) to buy all the copies of the book, which sold poorly.

In order to verify the exact conditions of use of these public funds, the economic and financial division of the Orleans gendarmerie research section has been seized and will investigate.

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