a preliminary investigation opened in Spain for alleged “sexual assault”

The Spanish public prosecutor’s office announced on Monday August 28 that it will open a preliminary investigation into alleged “sexual assault” following the forced kiss of Luis Rubiales, president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), to Spanish player Jennifer Hermoso , when Spain won the Women’s World Cup.

The prosecution will investigate “facts that could constitute a crime of sexual assault”said the public prosecutor in a press release, inviting Jennifer Hermoso to contact the prosecution of the National Audience “within fifteen days” in order to be “informed of his rights as a victim” and of ” file a complaint “, if she wishes. In Spain, kissing someone without their consent is considered an offense under the law on sexual assault.

Also, the Administrative Sports Court (TAD), seized by the Spanish government, met at 1 p.m. Monday to rule on the executive’s complaint against Rubiales. If it opens a procedure, the Higher Sports Council (CSD), a government body, can then suspend the president of the Federation until the case is judged on the merits.

The noose is tightening around Luis Rubiales, who refused to tender his resignation during an extraordinary general meeting held at the headquarters of the RFEF on Friday 25 August. Six members of the women’s Roja management have announced that they have resigned, leaving coach Jorge Vilda without assistants, forced to distance himself from Mr. Rubiales. “I regret that the victory of women’s football has been tarnished by the inappropriate behavior that our most senior manager up to now, Luis Rubiales, has shown and has himself admitted”he said in a statement taken up by several Spanish media.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Forced kiss: in Spain, the president of the football federation has become the symbol of outdated machismo

Cascading distancing

In a press release published on social networks, the signatories, including deputy Vilda Montse Tomé, affirm “having made the decision to submit their resignation” to the RFEF and express “their firm and categorical condemnation of the behavior of Luis Rubiales with regard to Jennifer Hermoso”.

Before them, in a press release to the EFE press agency, Luis de la Fuente, the coach of the men’s team of Spain, had condemned “without reservation the inappropriate and inappropriate behavior of the president of the REF”hoping that “the competent bodies will take the necessary decisions as soon as possible. »

The players of the Spanish football team, crowned world champions, announced on Friday August 25 that they would refuse to play again for the selection under the current management of the federation. “After everything that happened during the medal ceremony of the Women’s World Cup, all the players who signed this text will not honor a next summons if the current leaders are maintained”wrote the
23 world champions in a press release issued by the Futpro union.

Read also: Forced kiss: Luis Rubiales increasingly isolated

“I felt vulnerable and the victim of an attack”

“I never consented to this kiss [que Luis Rubiales] gave me and I in no way sought to approach the President. I do not tolerate anyone questioning my word and even less inventing words that I did not say.assured M.me Hermoso in a press release published on his social networks. “I felt vulnerable and victim of an aggression, an impulsive and sexist act, inappropriate and without any consent on my part”insisted the Spanish international.


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A statement that goes against the speech given by the president of the RFEF. In his speech before the extraordinary general meeting, Luis Rubiales did not apologize for the kiss, which he considers ” spontaneous “, “reciprocal” And “consented”but for “the context in which it occurred”. The Spanish football boss also denounced “false feminism” Who “do not seek the truth”, by castigating a “attempted social assassination”.

Attacking several ministers and Spanish left-wing personalities who criticized his gesture and spoke of “sexual violence without consent”he said he was going ” to defend oneself “ against “those people who try to assassinate me publicly”. “My God, what are women who have really been sexually assaulted going to think? », he still launched. Monday August 28, the mother of Luis Rubiales began a hunger strike to denounce ” the harassment “ suffered by his son.

Read also: Forced kiss: Jenni Hermoso and her teammates will refuse to play for Spain until Luis Rubiales resigns

Provisional suspension decided by FIFA

On Saturday, FIFA, which had already launched disciplinary proceedings against Luis Rubiales, decided to suspend him provisionally. “We have decided today to temporarily suspend Mr. Luis Rubiales from all football-related activity at national and international level”the world football governing body said in a statement, adding that the suspension would last at least ninety days, pending the progress of the proceedings against the Spaniard.

The forced kiss of the president of the Federation is part of a heavy context within the Spanish selection. Players have been denouncing the methods judged for months “dictatorial” of the coach, Jorge Vilda, who benefited from the unwavering support of Mr. Rubiales. The president of the federation was also accused of having organized orgies with RFEF money in September 2022.

The Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) responded by describing ” lies “ the charges against its president. “The RFEF and the President [Rubiales] will prove every lie posted by anyone on behalf of the player, or, if so, by the player herself.”said the body in a press release published overnight from Friday to Saturday.

Read also: FIFA opens disciplinary proceedings against Luis Rubiales after his forced kiss to player Jenni Hermoso

“Rubiales cannot stay in his post”

The initiative was welcomed by Irene MonteroMinister for Equality, who writes on X (formerly Twitter): « face [à l’impunité de M. Rubiales], the prosecution and the CSD act to protect the player, to say no to machismo and to guarantee the right to sexual freedom. »

In an interview at El Paísthe Spanish Minister of Sports, Miquel Iceta, deplores “an episode that brought us the image of a macho Spain”, while the country is often presented as a leader in the fight against violence against women. He relies on the TAD, assuring that if the latter ” accepts the government’s complaint, we will immediately proceed with the suspension of the functions of president of the federation “.

Many Iberian athletes have also taken up the cause of Jenni Hermoso, such as footballers Alexia Putellas and Aitana Bonmati, basketball legend Pau Gasol and former Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas. On Saturday, several international footballers followed suit on social networks, including the American Megan Rapinoe, star of women’s sport and figure of activism. “They deny what we have seen with our own eyes and call it the truth”she wrote on Instagram.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Forced kiss: the “Rubiales affair” highlights the freedom of speech for sportswomen

The World with AFP

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