“a quarter of the amounts paid under the RSA are tainted by errors”

The Court of Auditors “declares it impossible to certify the accounts” of the family branch of Social Security “and those of the national family allowance fund (Cnaf)”, after having already refused to certify the accounts for the 2022 financial year. At issue, in particular: errors on the RSA, the activity bonus and the APL. Here are 5 numbers to remember.

5.5 billion euros

“5.5 billion euros of undue payments but also of benefits wrongly not paid were noted at the end of 2023, which will never be regularized,” underlined the Court in a press release. She therefore declares herself “unable to certify” the accounts of the National Family Allowance Fund (Cnaf) for 2023. “Errors linked to the data taken into account to pay benefits” represent “7.4% of the amount benefits,” indicates the Court in its annual report on the accounts of the general Social Security system. They concern in particular the RSA, the activity bonus and housing assistance. “In particular, a quarter of the amounts paid under the RSA are tainted by errors,” she underlines.

A quarter

“A quarter of the amounts paid under the RSA is tainted with errors,” notes the Court of Auditors. Errors attributable to CAF or beneficiaries.


“More than a quarter of the amounts paid in 2023 (29.5%) under the activity bonus is affected by errors not corrected nine months after their payment, these errors being mainly overdue”, we read in a summary published this Friday, May 17 by the Court of Auditors. As a reminder, the activity bonus is an income supplement paid by CAF to those with a modest salary.

An overpayment is, as a reminder, “what was paid without being due…”. These are payments wrongly made by CAF and which must be reimbursed.

Low salary: “What is the minimum income to be entitled to the CAF activity bonus? »

A fifth

“A fifth of the benefits paid under the Solidarity labor income in the same interval is also subject to uncorrected errors”. The proportion is slightly lower, “a little less than an eighth” for housing assistance.

“The Cnaf asks beneficiaries to declare their resources quarterly, and there are many errors by beneficiaries in these declarations, in particular for the activity bonus”

“The Cnaf asks beneficiaries to declare their resources quarterly, and there are many errors by beneficiaries in these declarations, in particular for the activity bonus”, we argue at the Cnaf. The implementation of “solidarity at source”, from the end of 2024, should make it possible to “significantly reduce the risk” of errors, Nicolas Grivel, its general director, told AFP, since the declarations will be pre-filled .


According to the Court of Auditors, potential fraud “represents 4.9% of the legal services paid” by the Cnaf, or 3.90 billion euros, up 39% compared to the previous assessment in 2021. “The RSA , the activity bonus, and housing assistance” are the “benefits most susceptible to fraud”, she notes.

The Court of Auditors “recognizes the efforts made by Cnaf”

Last year the Court was even more severe, “refusing to certify” the accounts for the 2022 financial year, due to a “far too high amount” of errors, of 5.8 billion euros. It “recognizes the efforts made by Cnaf” last year, but the “amount of uncorrected errors” remains “still high”.

“The network’s error detection capacity remains much lower than the risk induced by the insufficient reliability of the data declared by beneficiaries,” she underlines. The family branch carried out a fraud assessment in 2023, as it does every two years.

The Court “certified with reservation” the 2023 accounts of the other branches of Social Security. Health insurance has extended its approach to estimating fraud (in particular to dentists and specialist doctors), which resulted in a range between 1.4 and 1.9 billion over a scope covering less than a third of its expenses, according to the Court.

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