A quick overview of depression symptoms BRIGITTE.de

How do I recognize depression?

It is not always easy to distinguish a temporary depressive mood from a definite depression (also: exhaustion depression) because the depression symptoms resemble the signs of a slight soul depression. Especially at the beginning of the depressive episode, sufferers suffer from relatively unspecific complaints that can develop over a longer period of time. The causes can include drastic life events such as the loss of a loved one or a breakup.

Depression symptoms at a glance

There are various physical and psychological symptoms of depression that are noticeable early on and can also be noticed by relatives. These include:

The severity of the depression symptoms also depends on the time of day: They are usually stronger in the morning than in the afternoon.

The more the depression progresses, the stronger the symptoms of the disease become – and the more can be added. Often, those affected don't even want to get out of bed at some point and are completely joyless. They are no longer interested in social activities or hobbies. In the worst case, suicidal thoughts arise at some point. That's why you should get depression treated.

Read tip: You can find out everything about burnout symptoms here.

Signs of depression: what happens in the head?

Depression affects various areas of the brain: the regions that control feelings and emotions as well as those that are responsible for memory, concentration, and our learning and memory skills. This makes things that are otherwise simple and routine for us difficult – such as understanding messages or long texts. In some patients, these problems remain even if they have managed to manage their depression through treatment (e.g. with psychotherapy).