a radical new decision that does not please at all!

Helldivers 2 is once again in turmoil following a new radical decision which does not please at all. Definitely, democracy is struggling to re-establish itself properly.

Helldivers 2 has been getting a lot of attention lately. The reason, however, is not as cool as a launch since if the game is in the news at the moment, it is because of a decision by Sony which has not been implemented. The firm has in fact requested a compulsory connection to its services for PC players of Helldivers 2 who still represent more than half of active players. A creation of a PSN account which exploded the rage of the community since it not only became compulsory but also cut off access to the game in countries not covered by PlayStation Network services.

Helldivers 2 and its not really democratic practices

Everything went down very quickly and thousands of review bombings later, Sony backpedaled. It was over, or almost, since after this revolution of a few days, heads fell. And there, that doesn’t go down at all with the players. It was in particular the community manager Spitz, who has now become an icon of this community uprising, who declared that he had been fired following the latest events. During the outcry, Spitz had in fact pushed the community to make itself heard by doing review bombing or asking for refunds so that Sony could listen since the company did not seem to be paying attention to the rage of the players.

As a result, when the dust settled, Spitz, called “General Spitz” by the community, claimed to have been forced to leave his post. “I knew I was taking a risk with what I said about refunds and changing reviews, but I stand by it. It was my job to represent the community and that’s what I did.” he declares.

We must save General Spitz

In less time than it takes to say it, part of the Helldivers 2 community has climbed the towers. A petition has been posted online and has already received more than 5,000 signatures. Fans are demanding that the studio, which they believe has protected and which they say they love, reconsider the firing of Community Manager Spitz. Some even ask that the very “meta” communication around the game integrate it into its framework in one way or another. “We further request the official canonization of GENERAL Spitz in the tradition of the Helldivers. FOR FREEDOM. DEMOCRACY. FOR THE GOOD OF THE GAME AND ITS COMMUNITY!” can we read.

Despite the drama, we won’t forget to have a little fun. In any case, Helldivers 2 is obviously not yet completely free of its problems. Hoping that things end up working out for the game and the studio. But also General Spitz, dismissed in an undemocratic manner as possible.

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