a revolutionary and ultra-promising new free game is coming!

The PS5 will soon welcome a whole bunch of promising new licenses, including this very ambitious free game announced as “revolutionary” by its creators during State of Play.

It wasn’t just about historical licenses for upcoming games on PS5 announced during State of Play. We even got first glimpses of several brand new licenses. Among these, Ballad of Antara stands out a bit from the crowd with a rather interesting concept (but no longer “revolutionary” as put forward by its creators), superb artistic direction, and all this for free. We’ll take you on our backs to show you all this.

A ballad like no other coming next year on PS5 and elsewhere

Developed by the Chinese studio Tipsworks Studio, Ballad of Antara particularly impressed in its presentation trailer with slick artistic direction. This is all the more impressive as it will be a free-to-play game, expected in 2025 on PS5, but also a priori other platforms not yet announced. In fact, the title is presented as a solo or cooperative action-RPG of up to three in which we play as Emissaries, whose mission is to escort a young girl with powers that can save the world.

The Emissaries in question are different unlockable characters, each with a unique fighting style and skills. We feel here a certain influence from major titles from miHoYo Studios like Genshin Impact. But Ballad of Antara stands out thanks to fights that look particularly nervous and epic against titanic monsters.

A free game, Tipswork Studio intends to support its game over time by adding new areas and new Emissaries to recruit after its launch. A very promising title on paper, in short. Verdict next year on PS5 and other currently undisclosed platforms. 2025 therefore promises to be busy. During the State of Play, we were able to see other upcoming games to watch closely. We can notably cite a certain Monster Hunter Wilds, but also the big return of Dynasty Warriors with Origins.

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