A Russian company launches RuStore, an alternative to the Google Play Store now unavailable in the country

Alexander Boero

May 31, 2022 at 10:10 a.m.


RuStore © RuStore

© RuStore

The VK group has launched its application store called RuStore, intended to replace the Play store from Google and the Apple App Store.

This is a new consequence of the war in Ukraine and Western sanctions. A few days ago, on May 26 exactly, Russia revealed RuStore. It is a local alternative to the two largest application stores on the planet, the Play Store and the App Store, which can no longer function normally on the premises. The country is thus accelerating the launch and adoption of technological services that compete with Western solutions.

A coalition of Russian tech around RuStore

At the maneuver of this in-house application store, we find VK, an internet group based in Saint Petersburg and known as a “Russian Facebook”. It offers its 60 million users messaging, communication, photo sharing and management services for various multimedia content.

But the brand new store, RuStore, was not born from the sole initiative of the VK group. If it was born, it is thanks to the support of the Russian tech giants, but also with the help of the government (and the famous service of supervision of communications, Roskomnadzor), of the company to the search engine Yandex, from the main local national credit bank Sberbank and with the support of a certain Kaspersky, a cybersecurity giant.

Regarding the latter, the company would ensure that no line of malicious code could slip into the applications to be downloaded from the new store.

Applications available and accessible to Android users

So, what do we find on RuStore? From the launch, the marketplace, available on rustore.ru, offered more than a hundred applications visibly accessible to Android users. This figure would have greatly increased since, so much so that we can speak of several hundred applications now available.

If we obviously find solutions such as Yandex, Sberbank or even VK (and its Messenger), the applications available on RuStore are classified in different categories, 14 currently. You will thus find applications affiliated with state services, others relating to health and sport, or even to medicine, transport, finance, games, news, purchases, tools, food and drink, or entertainment.

VK boss Vladimir Kiriyenko is betting heavily on this new app store, which offers users and developers 24/7 support. ” I am sure that RuStore will be in high demand from users and developers. It has everything it takes to become the largest Russian app store », Estimates the leader.

RuStore could soon be directly preinstalled on each smartphone sold in the land of the Tsars. At the request of the Kremlin, of course.

On the same subject :
Google files for bankruptcy in Russia

Source : Fudzilla

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