A scarf for life 2022: This is how you can knit or buy it

Big BRIGITTE campaign
Wearing this scarf helps children in need

© PR Lana Grossa

Homemade or ready-made: The “Scarf for Life” has a message – and sets an example against wars and the suffering of children.

“If you can’t bring yourself to donate otherwise, this campaign for Syrian children is totally uncomplicated. And it’s the right thing to do.” That’s what actress Anke Engelke, who supported our campaign last year, said along with many other celebrities. More than 371,000 euros were collected – a new record! It’s now a whopping 2.5 million euros in total. Our scarf has become the hallmark of the growing community of people who continue to support the youngest and most defenseless victims of war, even as the world’s gaze is directed towards Ukraine.

Every cent counts

That’s how it should be again this year – at the latest on the day of action, December 10th. Because the children still need help. There is the lack of any prospect of return, but also the dire economic situation in Lebanon, where an estimated 1.6 million Syrian refugees have found shelter. 90 percent of these families live below the poverty line there, early marriage and child labor are increasing massively. Literally every cent counts here – so that the help, which is now simply a matter of survival, can continue.

Where are the donations going?

A donation of 10 euros from each scarf goes to the work of Save the Children. The donations from the 2021 campaign will go to the survival aid program that benefits Syrian children and their mothers in Lebanon: Selected families receive basic food and emergency medicine.

How are the refugees doing now?

Social workers tell of increasing food shortages, poor nutrition of young children and young mothers, as well as early marriages due to social hardship and also increasing sexual harassment, which means that girls can no longer or are not allowed to leave the house. Well over half of Syrian children now know nothing but war.

How is the price of the scarf determined?

The scarf is made of high-quality wool (53% merino wool, 31% cotton, 16% baby alpaca), which has its price, as does the handcrafting of the scarf. The BRIGITTE fashion editors designed the scarf in their favorite colours.

What happens on the day of action?

You decide this. December 10th is Human Rights Day. Then wear the scarf in everything you do, on the way to work, when shopping. Like our prominent supporters, take a photo of yourself with the scarf, share it with the hashtags #schalfuersleben or #hopecarry on all social media channels.

More info at savethechildren.de/schal-fuers-leben. You can there too donate directly. And follow BRIGITTE (instagram.com/gettotextmagazin, facebook.com/Brigitte) and Save the Children Germany (instagram.com/savethechildren_en, facebook.com/savethechildrenDE) for more information.

A scarf for life 2022: This is how you can participate

© PR Lana Grossa

Here’s how you can join

Here’s the yarn…

The wool package with instructions costs 50 euros, of which 10 euros are donated to Save the Children. You can buy the package in one of 500 Lana Grossa wool shops or order it online (addresses and information: lanagrossa.de/gettotext).

… and here the finished scarf

Order the finished scarf for 85 euros (incl. 10 euros donation) from Wollywood (wollywood.de/schal-fuers-leben), wool in the yard (wolleimhof.de/schal-fuers-leben) or in Laura’s Yarn Shop (laurawollladen-shop.de).

Help without knitting

You can also donate your desired contribution directly, any amount helps. Just click on the photo!

donation account

Save the Children Bank for Social Economy IBAN: DE 9210 0205 0000 0329 2912 Keyword: scarf for life


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