a septuagenarian stabs his companion to death in front of

In the Var, a man killed his partner with a knife in front of her children. This is the 10th femicide in less than two months.

The facts took place Sunday, February 7, 2021. In the Var, in Fréjus, in a residential area of ​​the city, a 73-year-old man stabbed his 43-year-old companion. The children, present at the time of the tragedy, took refuge with a neighbor. It was he who alerted the police, who called the emergency services.
These unfortunately arrived too late to be able to save the victim, who succumbed to his injuries. The suspected murderer was caught in his flight by neighbors, and handed over to the police for intentional homicide. The children and the neighbor are hospitalized in shock.
According to the Feminicides by Companions or Ex page, this would be the tenth woman killed by her spouse or ex-spouse since the start of 2021.

Mathilde Wattecamps

Missions: Graduated in political science, Mathilde is an expert in subjects related to women's rights and health. Addicted to Instagram and Twitter, never stingy with a good …