A sports coach reveals her easy trick to find a flat stomach in 2 days

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Sometimes it just takes a little for our body to find more advantageous forms. The proof with this simple but super effective tip from a sports coach to find a flat stomach in just a few days.

The drinks we ingest every day have as much effect as the food we eat on our figure. If coffee can help us lose weight and drinking water can help us lose weight, it would also suffice toavoid carbonated drinks to easily find a flat stomach as we explain Victoire, a sports coach who shared this tip in their top 5 best tips to deflate belly on his Instagram account. A recommendation that Amélie Boudin, dietitian nutritionist, also validates on her website, since it is also one of her 12 anti-bloating tips.

If sport is useful for building abdominal muscles, nothing beats an anti-bloating diet that excludes sodasbut also the sparkling watersand all other alcoholic bubble drinks like champagne or prosecco to have a flat stomach.

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Bloated Belly: Why Quitting Soft Drinks Really Works

A bloated belly is not always a sign that you have to go on a diet to lose weight. Many everyday foods are, in fact, at the origin of bloating which make our abdomen swell and prevent us from displaying a flat stomach. As the sports coach explains in her video: “In the word gas, there is “gas” so it creates gas in the stomach, that’s logical!”. This is in particular why the effects of this change in diet can be visible from 2 days of adoption. How can we be sure that we are in this case? If you generally wake up with a very flat stomach and over the hours, your belly swells and rounds, then you do not have a fatness to lose by reducing your calorie intake, but bloating that can be avoided. with this silly trick.

Of course, the more you consume these types of carbonated beverages today, the more encouraging results you can expect. If you only drink one glass of sparkling water or soda in the week, you will probably have to avoid other foods that bloat or consume others that help reduce gas in the intestines to regain a flat stomach. as fast.

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