A strike notice filed by all unions at France 24

Nearly two years after the motion of no confidence voted against five members of the management and the historic six-day strike which shook France 24, serenity still does not seem to be on the agenda of the international news channel. public audiovisual.

The reform of editorial schedules, desired by management and supposed to apply in the coming days, has reignited the fuse: a strike notice was filed on Wednesday, October 5, by all the unions (CFDT, CGT, SNJ, CFTC, FO), for a renewable movement from October 11. However, a meeting between the unions and management should be held on Friday.

“Management told us that the reform would improve the well-being of employees, whereas it is only a question of optimization and reduction”, summarizes an elected staff member. In order to remedy a chronic shortage of staff, denounced several times in the past, the management of France 24 has in fact proposed a major modification of the work cycles, subject to an information-consultation process with the authorities which must ends on October 12.

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But an expert report commissioned by elected officials showed that the proposed remedy would, whatever happens, be insufficient to cure the disease. “Even if permanent staff with employment contracts in each profession are never absent [les congés et les RTT étant déjà déduits]the equivalent of 48.63 FTEs is missing [équivalent temps plein] »points for example to the document consulted by The world. A figure which rises to 65 (out of 156 FTEs) “if we take into account absenteeism”, further notes the cabinet. However, at France 24, absenteeism appears to be particularly high.

“We don’t take care of the bottom”

Launched by the trade union organizations, an internal survey confirmed the extent of the fears aroused internally by the reform. “We received such a response rate that we felt that people were upset”, confesses Laurence Amiot, CGT union representative. Convened for a general meeting (AG), Tuesday October 3, 113 employees out of 134 voters responded ” Yes “ to the question of whether they wanted a strike notice to be filed with a view to obtaining the suspension of the project. The management of the channel says “obviously open to continuing the dialogue to answer all questions and discuss the different options involved”she tells the World Wednesday evening.

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But at France 24, concerns are not limited to the strict framework of work organization. “While we tackle the planning, we don’t take care of the substance”, underlined a journalist during the AGM. The uncertainties weighing on the public company, whose method of financing is not assured that until the end of 2024, “ create a feeling of insecurity, a leap into the unknown, and the impression of a lack of consideration”summarizes a union representative.

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