a subtlety to receive the automatic full rate of your pension at age 67

Receiving a full rate retirement pension at age 67, is it still automatic? Will the pension reform presented on Tuesday January 10 modify the current system? Lighting on a mechanism with a complex strand.

This is one of the questions raised by the pension reform that Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne will present on Tuesday, January 10: the full rate retirement age 67 will it be changed? Indeed, this is one of the specificities of the method of calculating the amount of pensions.

To be able to receive a full-rate basic pension from Social Security, without any discount, you must have a precise number of quarters of pension insurance: 166 monthsi.e. 41 years and one semester, for people born between 1955 and 1957 or even 172 quartersi.e. 43 years, for those born from 1973.

Pay attention to the discount

Retiring before age 67 without having the required number of quarters of pension insurance reduces the rate used to calculate your basic pension. In the private sector, the full rate is fixed 50% of the average gross salary of the best 25 years. This rate will be less than 50% if you do not reach the age or the number of quarters required for the full rate.

This mechanism is called the discount. For a missing quarter, the retirement rate is 49.375%. Indeed, each missing quarter reduces by 0.625 points the rate applied to your pension. With 20 quarters less, 5 years of contribution therefore, the rate of the basic pension goes from 50% to 37.5%!

And for supplementary retirement?

A private employee is entitled to a basic social security pension and a supplementary one from Agirc-Arrco. The amount of the latter can be increased or reduced, especially if you apply for it before age 67. This is called the temporary reduction / increase mechanism.

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But the current system planned to limit the effects of this discount. Indeed, it provides that the basic pension of the Retirement insurance is granted full rate, regardless of your number of validated quarters, in the event of retirement 67 years old.

The age of the full automatic rate will not change … and will remain 67, promises Elisabeth Borne

A provision that should continue despite the pension reform. Elisabeth Borne announced on Tuesday on franceinfo that the age allowing someone who has not had a full career to leave without a discount… will not budge… and will remain 67 years old.

Full rate and maximum rate, a big difference

But be careful, you can have a full rate pension and still not have a pension at maximum rate possible, remind the site public service. Indeed, the amount of the basic pension is a function, on the one hand, of the average of the gross salaries of the 25 best years, and on the other hand, of the number of quarters of pension insurance.

Method of calculating the full rate retirement pension

Average gross annual salary X 50% X your number of quarters of pension insurance / Number of quarters of pension insurance required to have a full rate pension

Concrete illustration with the example of a person born in 1961 with an average annual gross salary of 30,000 euros. She must validate her 168 quarters required (42 years) to have a full rate pension. His basic annual pension will therefore be 15,000 euros gross, i.e. 1250euros gross per monthexplains service-public.

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But in the scenario where she retires at age 67 with only 162 quarters (40.5 years), her full rate pension will be lower with regard to the calculation rule:

Average gross annual salary x 50% x 162 / 168

In this case, his pension will be full rate without discount, but it will only receive 14,464.29 euros gross, i.e. 1205.36 euros gross per month. A difference of almost 45 euros per month for having contributed 6 quarters less than the 168 required to obtain the maximum amount of his pension.

Retirement: without the reform, how much will you earn at 62, 65 or 67?

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