A surfer misappropriates 10,000 NFT to make a work of art denouncing the “right click syndrome”

Noëllie Mautaint

December 30, 2021, 9:00 a.m.


NFT © Rokas Tenys / Shutterstock.com

© Rokas Tenys / Shutterstock.com

The crypto-currencies
are debated, and more particularly the NFT
. Many internet users are unhappy with the latest trend in blockchain
and let it be known.

One of them raised ” right click syndrome To a whole new level by diverting over 10,000 NFT into a work of art.

The concept of NFT derided with a montage

At the heart of environmental controversies and scandals based on theft, scams and phishing of all kinds, the NFTs divide. Beyond the ecosystem that surrounds them, it is above all their concept that disturbs a fringe of Internet users: to obtain the digital ownership certificate of an image that anyone can register and appropriate. A Twitter user exemplified this point by trolling several thousand NFT owners.

The person in question indeed had fun downloading more than 10,000 NFT images of “Lazy Lions” to create a mosaic representing a person making a right click. A nice reference to the “right click syndrome” advocated by opponents of cryptocurrency, which means that anyone can record images purchased at exorbitant prices through virtual currencies and own them.

Later, the creator of the collage explained on her social networks her resentment towards this new ecosystem: ” My problem with NFTs is not ecology. The real problem is what they represent: an attempt to re-impose an artificial scarcity on culture. A few days earlier, a player had also made fun of the concept of non-fungible tokens with his NFT DOOM mod.

Source: VICE

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