A Swiss company is developing drones that can fire without human authorization

Samir Rahmoune

May 13, 2024 at 12:07 p.m.


Autonomous drones from Destinus © Destinus

Autonomous drones from Destinus © Destinus

Warfare is often one of the privileged fields of technological advances. This is what we should see in the coming years, with the arrival of drones controlled by AI created by the start-up Destinus.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict which broke out in February 2022 revealed the major importance of drones for tomorrow’s wars. A tool that allows you to observe all the movements of an army, but also to launch bombs precisely in the most remote places. Devices which are currently controlled remotely by soldiers, but which could well in the future benefit from advances in artificial intelligence to act autonomously. And this is what the start-up Destinus is working on.

The Hornet, the drone that can attack other drones

Mikhail Kokorich is a Russian who has been living in the West since 2012, and who, with his Swiss-based start-up Destinus, is developing drones intended… for the Ukrainian army. The one who renounced his Russian nationality in January thus delivers to the Kiev forces “Lord” type drones, piloted by AI, which make it possible to collect information and carry out jamming and electromagnetic interception.

A first step in a much more ambitious path. Destinus wishes to develop autonomous drones which will be able to carry out offensive actions in the future. This will be the case for its Hornet-type drone, which can decide for itself to attack other drones. “ In Ukraine, the targets of the Hornets could be, for example, the slow Shahed drones […] or Russian reconnaissance drones which reveal, for example, the location of Ukrainian artillery” explained a company spokesperson to BFM TV.

A Hornet drone © Destinus

A Hornet drone © Destinus

Destinus G, the unmanned fighter plane

And after drones, Mikhail Kokorich’s company is aiming for another big piece, which is the creation of an autonomous drone that can simply replace a fighter plane on the battlefield. An alternative on which large armies, such as that of the United States, are already working, and which could become a reality within society by the end of the decade.

Called Destinus G, this drone can be used in the riskiest missions, in order to avoid the potential loss of a pilot’s life. It can thus serve as air support for a manned aircraft, or shoot down missiles traveling below the speed of sound. The war of the future?

Source : Capital

Samir Rahmoune

Tech journalist, specializing in the impact of high technologies on international relations. I am passionate about all the new developments in the field (Blockchain, AI, quantum...), the...

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Tech journalist, specializing in the impact of high technologies on international relations. I am passionate about all the new developments in the field (Blockchain, AI, quantum...), energy issues, and astronomy. Often one foot in Asia, and always ready to put on the gloves.

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