A teacher shares the worst first name she’s heard in her career

Teachers discover new first names every year, but at the end of their career there is always one they have not forgotten! Like this teacher who can’t get over the first name she heard…

For children’s first names, we can say that parents sometimes show great creativity, for better but also for worse! And people who work with children are the first to discover these truly original first names. Whether they are childcare assistants, midwives or even teachers, they all have a large number of anecdotes about children’s first names. At the same time in recent years, more and more parents no longer want to follow trends…

The daughter of a retired teacher shared a first name anecdote on the Reddit forum and she swears, it’s the worst name she’s heard! The worst thing about this story is that the first name of the little boy in question did not match his behavior at all. His mother told him that it was a real terror and that it made the situation even more ridiculous… Indeed, the little boy is called Thank God or “God thank you” in French… So when the teacher wanted him to calm down, it gave very funny situations : “The child was unbearable and he played it to hear his atheist teachers shouting ‘Thank God’ in the whole class.” Other testimonials have poured in in the comments.

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Teachers have talked about the worst names they’ve heard in their careers

In the comments section of the post on the Reddit forum, other professors testified and their anecdotes are just as crazy… One of them says: “I knew a family with four children: Prince, Princess, Precious and Becca. The Becca at the end kills me.” Another person said they heard a name similar to Thank God, they heard a mother who kept calling her child Trust Jay. She ended up asking him how the first name was spelled and what it meant: “Turns out it was short for TrustInJesus. The kid’s first name was TrustInJesus or TrustJ to make it shorter.” Another Internet user said that he had met a woman named Mystic Pigeon. And the best for the end : “How about not giving your child a name? There was a kid I went to high school with whose legal name was baby with no name. I don’t know the story behind it though.” Like what, first names are really a source of crazy anecdotes!

Parenting writer

Zoé is on a work-study program, she joined the aufeminin team in September 2022, she writes for the parenting section. Committed and curious, Zoé likes to write to advance…

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