a teenager expelled from his high school for his hairstyle deemed “inappropriate”


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In Australia, a high school student was expelled from his school because of his hairstyle deemed “inappropriate” by management.

A haircut that does not please everyone. Trend in the 1980s, the mullet cut, or “long neck”, seems to be gradually making a comeback on the front of the hair scene, and this, sometimes, to the chagrin of some. Considered completely old-fashioned by some, trendy and misunderstood by others, it is so successful today that it has its own dedicated festival. However, some have the objective of banning it, as is the case of a school in Kalgoorlie, Australia. We thus learn from the local daily newspaper that last September, a high school student was expelled from John Paul College for having proudly sported a mule couple. A judged hairstyle “inappropriate” by the Catholic establishment, which requested the exclusion of the teenager for a month.

Strict in terms of uniform and physical appearance, the policy of the school would not have approved the shaved head of the young boy associated with his mullet haircut as specified by his mother. Outraged by this harsh decision against her son, simply for a haircut, the high school student’s mother took to her Facebook account to express her dissatisfaction and, above all, to denounce the discrimination her son has suffered. been a victim. The acting director of the establishment, Keith Nicholas, for his part clarified to the Kalgoorlie Miner that the policy of the school was intended to give “a sense of unity and belonging to the university community, the director and the dean thus reserving the right to determine the appropriateness of the hairstyles of each of the students”.

The hairdresser denounces “discrimination”

For her part, the hairdresser behind this mullet cut spoke in the columns of the local daily to deplore a lack of open-mindedness on the part of the establishment. “to the values ​​and beliefs of each culture”. “The school should unite and not discriminate against a certain haircut, or a person who has a certain haircut. […] I just don’t think a mule has any weight in a person’s character.”she added, specifying that, since this incident in high school, the young man came back to see her to shave his head. “I saw him disintegrate, he came in here and you could feel him and see him, he was unhappy”she confided, before concluding: “Having a mullet doesn’t change him, but having a shaved head will change him.” Definitely, this sanction is seen by many as far-fetched.

People and society journalist

Series, people, TV, society, Pauline likes to vary the subjects. A fan of travel and pop culture, she is interested in all trends and has a small passion for…

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