A third of French people deprive themselves of hygiene products for economic reasons

Soap, deodorant, toothpaste, … Inflation aggravates hygienic precariousness, according to an Ifop survey.

Showering without soap, rationing menstrual protection, giving up deodorant: a third of French people are depriving themselves of hygiene products because of the economic context, and this precariousness is worsening, according to an Ifop survey for the association Dons solidaires, published Tuesday on the site of Liberation.

Hygienic precariousness, which “lowers self-esteem and leads to isolation», «continues to progress and is no longer the prerogative of the beneficiaries of associationsto fight against poverty, was alarmed in a press release by this association which collects unsold goods from companies to donate them to the charitable sector.

In detail, 7% of respondents indicate that they brush their teeth without toothpaste, 8% wash without soap or shower gel, and 17% of parents do not change their child’s diapers as frequently as they would like. During the previous barometer on this subject, in 2021, these proportions were approximately half as much. “How can you feel worthy when you lack such essential products?wondered Dominique Besançon, the general delegate of Dons solidaires, who wishes towarn about this precariousness still too little considered“.

73% say they deprive themselves of hygiene products in general

Logically, the figures are even more alarming when we specifically question poor people, beneficiaries of associations in the Solidarity Donations network: 73% say they deprive themselves of hygiene products in general, 34% shampoo and 31% menstrual protection . “Sometimes I wash the children with water alone, or tell them to just do a quick wash“, Testifies a mother of two children, quoted in the press release. Another says she uses toilet paper for period protection: “I deprive myself to leave more protection to my daughters“, she explains.

Ifop survey for Dons solidaires, carried out on two panels: a representative sample of 1,501 respondents, plus 300 parents of children aged three or under, questioned by self-administered online questionnaire in November 2022; and a sample of 1,162 beneficiaries of associations in precarious and socially excluded situations, interviewed in January and February 2023 at the premises of partner associations.

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