a third wave from January 7?

According to projections, a third wave of hospitals could take place as early as January 7. While it will be difficult to avoid, following the instructions during the holidays can limit the risks.

A few days before Christmas, the virculation of the coronavirus increases. Thus, 17,565 new cases were confirmed this Saturday and the bar of 60,000 deaths in France was passed on Friday. Hospitals are trying to anticipate a third wave of Covid-19, and this is particularly the case of the Nancy CHRU, which developed a projection tool at the end of last March, in collaboration with the Hospital Federation of France (FHF), explains the Sunday newspaper. They thus created a model which makes it possible to determine the evolution of the epidemic, which has already made it possible to anticipate the first two peaks.

The Nancy CHRU unveiled today in the JDD its projections until January 7, and everything suggests a tension in hospitals during and after the holidays. Thus, from the first week of 2021, the third wave could begin, with between 3,500 and 5,000 beds occupied by Covid-19 patients according to estimates, which are not "forecasts", underlines Professor Christian Rabaud, from the Nancy CHRU.

"If the indicators go up, in the next fifteen days, we will be in difficulty given the staff leaves for example", explains Professor Rabaud on Franceinfo. However, he indicates that"it's never too late, we can try to do better". He therefore invites everyone to respect the instructions given by the health authorities on the conduct of the end-of-year celebrations: "Today, the crisis is likely to end once the vaccination takes place. Before that, we only have barrier measures, but they are effective. (…) During New Years Eve, we must remember the need airing is very important. New Year's Eve is getting ready, the races are moments of mixing in which you have to be particularly careful. You have to wear your mask over your nose and over your mouth, not under your chin. shown its effectiveness ", he says. His words corroborate those of Prof. Jean-François Delfraissy, President of the Scientific Council, who declared on RMC-BFMTV: "Our future and that of a third wave that could occur in January, it is we who will build it or not in the days to come, asserted the president of the scientific council. The more we will try not to contaminate ourselves too much in a family and friendly atmosphere, the more chances of avoiding this phenomenon ".

Coronavirus: still 3 to 6 months to go, according to Professor Delfraissy

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Video by Sarah polak

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