a third woman becomes a civil party

Margaux, a 37-year-old woman who accuses Damien Abad of having raped her in 2011, has become a civil party in the judicial investigation targeting the former minister of solidarity who contests the accusations, she communicated to the Agence France-Presse (AFP) Thursday January 11, confirming information from Mediapart. Benoît Chabert, Damien Abad’s lawyer, did not wish to comment on Thursday.

This woman had already filed a complaint and obtained the opening of a preliminary investigation, closed in 2017, for the facts she denounced and which she had told to AFP in 2018. She received at the beginning of the summer a notice to the victim inviting them to become a civil party in the procedure.

“I signed the papers on Wednesday”she told AFP. “I don’t want to leave the other two complainants alone”added this woman who had been bruised by the dismissal of her initial complaint. “She took the time to think about it, it’s painful for her, but she found the courage to do it and now feels ready”confirmed to the press agency his lawyer, Carine Durrieu Diebolt.

Margaux met Damien Abad in 2009, when she was vice-president of the Young Democrats in Paris. In January 2011, she met Mr. Abad one evening in Paris and they had a sexual relationship, first consensual then forced, imprinted “disrespect, injunction and insistence”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The opening of an investigation against Damien Abad weakens his position within the government

Damien Abad placed in police custody in June

The investigation against Damien Abad was opened for rape and attempted rape on June 21 after a preliminary investigation following the complaint of another woman, nicknamed Laëtitia, who accused the deputy of having attempted to rape her during a party organized at his home in Paris in the first half of 2010. Damien Abad was interviewed by the police in police custody on June 7.

Another woman, nicknamed Chloé, became a civil party in the proceedings at the beginning of July. For her part, she had told Mediapart A “blackout” after drinking a glass of champagne offered by Damien Abad in a Parisian bar in the fall of 2010, and claimed to have woken up with the MP “in a hotel room near the bar”, “in underwear”, ” in a state of shock “, “cottony”THE “body aching and painful”suspecting of having been ” drugged “.

The former leader of the Les Républicains deputies, aged 43, was for a few weeks in mid-2022 the short-lived minister of solidarity, autonomy and disabled people. He was a take on President Emmanuel Macron on the right, and now sits again in the National Assembly as a deputy for Ain.

Read the decryption: Article reserved for our subscribers The Damien Abad affair once again places Emmanuel Macron on the defensive

The World with AFP

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