a three month old child killed


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In Seine-et-Marne, a three-month-old baby was assaulted by his father and died. If the father recognizes the violence, he denies being involved in the death of his son.

The facts date back to May 2021. Julien, 30, was indicted for “willful violence resulting in death without intention of giving it” on his three-month-old son Enzo. The tragedy is said to have unfolded while the infant’s mother was away. The child is left alone with his father and a few minutes later, he calls his partner to let her know that in wanting to change Enzo’s diaper, he discovered him with his eyes rolled back. This is Julien’s version. But when the firefighters arrived on the scene, they noticed marks of blows on the eyelids, arms and legs of the baby. And there’s one more thing: the baby’s diaper doesn’t seem like it’s been changed in a while. At the hospital, he was diagnosed with a head trauma and a subdural hematoma “characteristic of shaken baby syndromespecifies Le Parisien.
Four days later, little Enzo dies. An investigation is opened by the Departmental Security of Seine-et-Marne. The newspaper reports that the father of the family was then placed on telephone wiretapping. The police then learn that Julien is stressed when he is alone with his son and that the child cries a lot. Placed in custody, he confessed to having been violent with Enzo, but denies “the” shaking or knocking to the ground and, therefore, does not want to take responsibility for the death“, according to a source close to the file interviewed by Le Parisien.

Violence very early on

Also according to the newspaper, Julien’s violence against Enzo started very early. The mother of the child also reports that as early as February, the infant was born on the 5th, he would have grabbed him by the collar because he was crying too much for his liking. According to a psychologist quoted by Le Parisien, Julien is a “hman with immature personality, egocentric and not supporting authority. “Since the facts, he has been indicted at the courthouse and transferred to the Fleury-Mérogis remand center.

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