A tornado of love on this week’s program for 5 astrological signs: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Scorpio season will officially launch on October 24, 2023, with its share of tumults. This first week is registered for 5 signs in the register of passion. It is no coincidence, the influence of Scorpio and its powerful instinct for passions and impulses will punctuate the week of 5 signs. Between truths that burst forth to give rise to osmosis, sensuality increased tenfold for one of them and the desire to fulfill oneself sentimentally by drawing from their depths, these signs of the zodiac will not have no respite or rest this week, and it will be delicious. Sophie Hérolt-Petitpas reveals how you will be rocked, turned upside down and fulfilled by this dazzling entry of the Sun into Scorpio.

Truth as a key to pleasure

Everything is moving on the heart side and Taurus is taking a turn. Between questioning, expressing your emotions, welcoming your deep and powerful feelings “it’s time for declarations” Sophie warns. Feelings will indeed be scrutinized this week and if you were dreading a clarification, a big declaration, a love confession, it is possible that this will be the ideal time to open up to those around you. You know perfectly the nature of your desires, your thoughts and you will be able to let them escape you. “They will be well received” Sophie reassures you. So, if these feelings are well received, they can open the doors to stronger, more powerful and passionate connections.


Hold on tight, Cancer, because this week may be an earthquake of demands. All the women you play in your private life are going to be demanded, called or desired. “It all depends on your personal situation” Sophie explains, but you will have time to get to grips with each of your roles and to let your heart act according to the demands that will make your whole body vibrate. Your heart is racing and if you come out of your “comfort zone” you could discover another form of fulfillment. The Sun in Scorpio pushes you to surpass yourself through all the roles you play!

Drunk in love

A dose of sentimental intoxication awaits Virgo this week. The power of the Sun which invites itself into Scorpio and this new season of the sign of passion give you the feeling of no longer controlling anything, and it’s almost delicious. Although destabilizing you will taste certain “psychic initiations and openings” Sophie tells us. Emotional power that can make you feel disoriented, but let yourself be, “it will be enriching”, insists the astrologer. For good reason, in love, it will be so strong that you could find yourself mute and not know how to express it, whatever, feel and share!

You shine!

The Sun is now overhead, dear Scorpio. It’s your season, your influences, which will shake up the entire zodiac and make you more powerful, desirable and passionate than usual. Delight in what the Sun, for this first week, breathes into you. On the program: you will legitimately be the center of all attention. The romantic aspect will be put in the spotlight and what makes you who you are will on this occasion be multiplied. Count on “your charisma and your power of seduction”which reach “summits” analyzes Sophie.

Delicious obsessions and new sensations

An obsessive fondness for two other signs of the zodiac will animate the entire heart and body, of Pisces! Passion is there and these signs “make you vibrate through every pore of your skin”laughs Sophie. You are literally gripped by this powerful wave of desire influenced by the arrival of the Sun in Scorpio. Rest, boredom or nonchalance will have no place in this week which will be punctuated by the impulse of love or passion that your body will make you feel. Let yourself be carried away by it, without expecting anything.

Read also :

⋙ Pluto changes sign in October and stays there until January 2024 before a major upheaval

⋙ Samhain (Halloween): 3 rituals to practice during this Sabbath, which marks the witches’ new year

⋙ Astrology: why does the horoscope begin with Aries (in March) and not Aquarius (in January)?

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