A US Bitcoin (BTC) mining farm is accused of noise pollution and faces closure

Residents Demand Bitcoin Mining Farm Red Dog Technologies Shut Down

Washington County, Tennessee just filed a lawsuit against Bitcoin Red Dog Technologies, a Bitcoin (BTC) mining farm. According to local media WCYB, the trial began on Monday March 14, 2022 and is expected to continue until Thursday March 17, 2022.

County residents complain about generated noise by the mining infrastructure. They accuse the miners of noise pollution and demand the immediate closure of the farm.

BrightRidge, a local electricity supplier, is also targeted by the plaintiffs. Indeed, the American company owns the land where the mining farm is located. The property was leased to Bitcoin Red Dog Technologies without notifying local authorities.

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The mining farm is accused of violating zoning regulations

Complaints about noise emitted by the infrastructure do not date from this week. Last fall, several residents of the county had already seized the authorities to demand the closure of the site. Residents claim to continually hear a loud buzzing.

According to WHL, another local news outlet, Bitcoin mining farm Red Dog Technologies runs from 8 p.m. to 2 p.m. on weekdays. The infrastructure also operates continuously all weekend from Friday 8 p.m.

Alerted by residents of Washington, Kent Harris, the county commissioner, called for the closure of the establishment last September. In agreement with the Washington County Commission, he believes that the farm violates the zoning regulations.

In concrete terms, the installation exceeds the authorized noise limits on the territory. Zoning rules aim to avoid inconvenience for local residents who live near an industrial or commercial site.

At first, the county mayor, Joe Grandy, was conciliatory with the mining farm. Despite the complaints addressed to his office, the city councilor favored cooperation with minors. He asked Red Dog Technologies to do everything to limit noise generated by its machines.

“The folks at Red Dog have worked hard with neighbors to try to lower the noise level and be better neighbours. It was a slow process, and while they worked diligently on it, it probably wasn’t quite enough.”says Joe Grandy.

Despite the miners’ efforts, county residents continued to call for the mining farm to be closed. Under pressure from the Commission, Joe Grandy finally resolved to take the matter to court to obtain the cessation of activities.

At the end of the trial, justice will have to rule on the future of the infrastructure of Red Dog Technologies. The judges’ decision risks make case law in the matter in the rest of the United States. In the event of closure, many mining farms installed on American soil could find themselves in the sights of local authorities.

Sources: WCYB, WHL

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About the Author : Florian Bayard

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