a very promising film canceled, a huge disappointment

This is a difficult time for Netflix which is unfortunately forced to cancel a very ambitious project. For fans, the disappointment is great, especially since there was an exceptional cast.

In the life of an SVOD platform, it happens that you have to cancel projects, no matter how good they seemed. Netflix knows something about this, since it has already had to drop the ax on several occasions. As a result, subscribers are a little wary, because you never know who it might fall on. And in fact, we have just learned that a film eagerly awaited by spectators is the victim of cancellation. That might make people disappointed.

A promising film canceled by Netflix

The writers’ and actors’ strike in Hollywood has taken a major hit to the industry, and we can understand why. The demands were entirely justifiable, and fortunately, those mobilized ended up winning their case. So, what’s next? Well, all projects that were paused can now resume production. Normally, the new feature film Adam McKay (The Big Short, Don’t Look Up) was to begin work next year, before being released on Netflix. But there’s been a change of plan, and it’s simply canceled.

It is our colleagues at Deadline who bring us this information which will not please everyone. We must say goodbye to the film Average Height, Average Build, which was to headline Robert Pattinson, Robert Downey Jr., Amy Adams and Forest Whitaker. For the moment, we do not know the reasons for the SVOD platform. Besides, we don’t know if it was Netflix or Adam McKay who made the decision. In any case, our man has already landed on his feet, since he is visibly working on a project that has a link to climate change.

As for the story of the deceased Average Height, Average Build , it had enough to arouse the curiosity of as many people as possible. It was to tell the story of a serial killer getting involved in politics. Its goal: to lighten the laws in order to continue its misdeeds. We are facing social satire, and we would have liked to see the result. With such a cast, the scenario promised to be memorable. It would have made a nice addition to Netflix’s catalog, but such is life. We are now waiting to hear about the director’s next film.

Adam McKay

A big film is coming to the platform soon

To recover from this disappointment, we advise you to closely monitor the arrival of the new feature film by Zack Snyder (300, Man of Steel): Rebel Moon Part one: A Child of Fire. It is due to be released on December 22, 2023 on Netflix, and it will be a space opera. The film is described as a cross between Star Wars and The Seven Samurai, which is already enough to make your mouth water. In terms of casting, we have Sofia Boutella in the main role (Climax), but also Charlie Hunnam (Sons of Anarchy, The Gentlemen), Djimon Hounsou (Shazam!) and Anthony Hopkins (Hannibal). And this time, it’s not canceled, so don’t be worried.

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