A week all inclusive for 400 euros? Here you can have a cheap summer holiday

You can save the most in your own garden, on the terrace or on the balcony. With a new parasol, fresh flowers, a hammock or a paddling pool, you can create relaxing conditions for young and old.

In extreme cases, cabin fever threatens. After two years of Corona, Germans want to get out of their own four walls.

Germany remains the cheapest option

If you want to spend the summer in Germany, you can visit many German cities at bargain prices thanks to the 9-euro ticket and many hotel offers. But it’s not cheap everywhere. Tourist magnets on the North Sea and Baltic Sea or in the Alps in particular are relatively expensive between July and September. If you want to save a lot of money, go to East or West Germany this summer.

A family of three pays around 600 euros in Berlin for travel and a week in a three-star hotel with breakfast.

Greece, Spain and Croatia in demand – but very expensive

Greece, Spain, Croatia and Italy are expensive places to go on vacation in 2022.

If you still want to get there cheaply, you should:

  • Do not book in high season,
  • prefer package tours,
  • select smaller German airports as the place of departure and
  • search for discount coupons.

Turkey attracts with all-inclusive discounts

While Greece, Spain, Croatia, Italy and France are more expensive than ever this year, Turkey is enticing with bargain offers. The high inflation in the country ensures prices that make savers’ hearts beat faster.

A week all inclusive for a good 400 euros is not uncommon.
FOCUS Online advises:
Read hotel reviews carefully and find out about reports of overbooking. Before Corona, a number of accommodations had attracted negative attention. travelers had to
stay in the hotel lobby

The all-inclusive package holiday is cheap. If you stay in the popular holiday resorts of Side and Antalya, you will pay a lot of money, but compared to Greece, Cyprus or Italy it is only a fraction. A family of three pays around 1,500 euros for a week in Side at the beginning of August. On the island of Kos, the price with similar conditions is 2,700 euros.

Bargain tip Bulgaria and Albania

You can also go on cheap holidays in Bulgaria and Albania. The hotel and flight prices are at a low level. At the same time, more and more airlines are flying there from Germany. In both countries, similar to Turkey, there is currently a lot of holiday for the euro in view of the high inflation.

For example, a week in the Albanian port city of Vlora. A family of three pays a total of 700 euros for flight and hotel in the middle of the high season. In the nearby island of Corfu, travelers have to pay almost three times as much.

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