A weekend conducive to love at first sight for many astro signs: Current Woman Le MAG

Don’t even count on moping at home on this last holiday (or August) weekend! No, no, no, the stars don’t want that, and are preparing some nice surprises for you on the heart side. So go out and enjoy the last festivals of the summer, one last stroll along the seafront, and maybe you will (finally!) find love?

Love at first sight for this sign?

This weekend, Aries wants to stay under the duvet, hoping that his other half will accept this proposal. Single, on the contrary, there will be no question of staying at home because love at first sight awaits you around the corner! There “night may be short“Isabelle is having fun, so take advantage of it! Sunday is a good day for a dialogue built with the loved one.

End of celibacy?

If Taurus is single, “the stars wish him not to remain so“, this Saturday in particular, introduces our astrologer. a trio very conducive to declarative love is forming around you, with the Moon, Mars the planet of desire and Venus, that of love. Isabelle Elvira even has fun, those three”improvise marriage agents to make you meet the rare pearl“, a real chance! The only effort you have to make on your side: get out of your den to make yourself available.

Go on an adventure

As a couple, the Leo must put his other half in the foreground, by initiating a conversation about his need for freedom. Tact will be necessary. Bachelor, “all the lights are green to set off on an adventure, with an open heart“According to Zaza, it’s the right time so go for it! The entry of the fiery Mars in Libra allows you to calm down, but also to take stock after this summer of self-questioning.

Communication will be the key

Hectic weekend for Virgo. As we know, Mercury, the planet of our thoughts, is always retrograde in your sign and fortunately it encourages you to communicate better, especially with your partner. Single, you could meet a person through an internship or an apprenticeship process. Beware, however, of the planet Mars which leaves you this Sunday for Libra, and you feel belittled. It wouldn’t be going around in circles.

love covers you

Venus, the planet of love, favors the sentimental life of Sagittarius this weekend. You could be forgiven for your last blunders and, “if you are still single, do not complicate things with this newly met being“Invective Isabelle Elvira. Bet on simplicity. Let time do its thing and discover each other.

Lasting love versus passionate love

Capricorn will also have its dose of love this weekend. Venus, the planet of feelings, “invites you to create an improvement and reconciliation with your partner“explains our astrologer. As for singles, the Mercury-Venus duo rather pushes you into the arms of a relationship”love friendships” rather than in overly passionate relationships (leave that to Scorpio!). Consider the other as your ally and not there only to complete you.

Extra sign: Gemini

It is not in love that Gemini flourishes this Saturday, but in an area that is however usually lacking: money. Yet Zaza predicts: “Jupiterthe planet of luck, has you in its small papers and wishes to fill your bank account“. It might be a good time to try your luck at the lottery!

Read also :

⋙ Jupiter retrograde from September 4 to December 30, 2023: a semester of bad luck?

⋙ Mercury retrograde in September 2023: 4 signs are doing well

⋙ Astrological dice: this original tool that changes from drawing cards

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