A wind project near the landing beaches hotly contested

At the Manoir (Calvados), the inhabitants live with the fear of seeing five wind turbines spring up very close to the Landing beaches, reports “La Renaissance”.

Through ThePoint.fr

A petition has been launched so that wind turbines do not see the light of day on the sites of the fighting of June 6, 1944 and the Battle of Normandy (photo illustration).
© Thomas Bregardis / Ouest-France / MAXPPP / PHOTOPQR/OUEST FRANCE/MAXPPP

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En France, wind turbines do not have a good reputation. Those who live near onshore wind farms or those who are against this type of project put forward various arguments, ranging from visual and noise pollution, to risks for biodiversity, through uncertain energy production. At the Manoir, near Bayeux in Calvados, it is the affront to history, through the visual and noise pollution generated, which particularly shocks opponents of a wind farm project, reports the bi-weekly The Renaissance.

The town hall of Le Manoir has granted the Vensolair company land near the D-Day landing beaches to plant five wind turbines there by 2025. For the defenders of D-Day memorial sites, such a project is heresy. A petition – called “Let’s sanctuary the Landing beaches from any installation of wind turbines” – was put online on the MesOpinions website and it had already collected more than 13,000 signatures on Monday evening January 16th.

“A story of money…”

“A wind farm 150 meters high in the town of Le Manoir is supposed to stand 800 meters from the first D-Day cemetery,” explained Christophe Triboulet, member of the Association for the Protection of the Environment of Bessin (APEB). ), which also works to preserve the memory of the fighting of June 6, 1944 and the Battle of Normandy, in the text accompanying this petition. “Imagine the ridiculousness of D-Day commemorations standing at the foot of gigantic wind turbines! »

READ ALSOWorld War II: the game of 20 errorsAccording to Christophe Triboulet, if the Manoir and Calvados have signed this project, it is only for “a story of dough” because the direct tax benefits would be enormous. “The promoters are dangling millions and watering everyone,” he told the bi-weekly The Renaissance.

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