a woman and four children killed by a man

In Seine-Saint-Denis, a man is said to have killed five members of his family. The victims are his wife, their two children and two of their nephews.

This Saturday, October 3 at around 11:30 am, the police services discovered a terrible scene in Noisy-le-Sec (Seine-Saint-Denis). A man is suspected of having killed five people in his family: his wife, their children aged 18 months and 5 years, and two nephews aged 5 and 9, reports AFP. The prosecution indicates that it would be two other of his nephews, aged 13 and 15 and also injured, who would have given the alert by going to take refuge with neighbors.

According to the story of the two teenagers, they were locked up by their uncle in the basement of the house, with their parents and one of their brothers, all injured. "I intervened first because I heard screams and sobs, I rang the doorbell but it did not answer. In the meantime, one of the sons came through the kitchen window on the ground floor. pavement, his head bleeding, he told me that his uncle blew a hose, went crazy and hit everyone with a hammer and locked the family in the house ", says the neighbor. One of the young people then went to the neighborhood bar for help. "A 13 year old boy came in panic, blood on his head. He said to me: 'My uncle is chasing me with a hammer', he was distraught. I protected him, no one was behind him, he m 'said his sisters were locked in the apartment with a third person. I treated him and called the emergency services and the police ", says its manager, Mohamed Hemani.

The owner of another bar, located about ten meters from the crime scene, explains: "I knew the father, very calm and kind, he used to come to the cafe sometimes, they arrived a year or two ago. Last week there had already been a family dispute in this family, the police had come and that had since calmed down ".

An investigation was opened by the Bobigny prosecutor's office, which indicates in a press release that, "at this stage, there is nothing to establish the origin and circumstances of this tragedy". He had earlier raised the possibility of a crime "intrafamilial" between these two families of Sri Lankan origin. The man suspected of killing his wife and four children was hospitalized in serious condition. He has several stab wounds. The town hall of Noisy-le-Sec announced that a psychological unit was going to be set up.

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Video by Anais bertrand

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