A year after Capitol Hill, Joe Biden promises to defend democracy and curls Donald Trump

United States

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In a serious and offensive speech, the Democratic president denounced the permanent “lies” of his predecessor. And promised not to let anyone “put the knife to the throat” of an American democracy in great danger.

He chose, of course, to speak from the Capitol. To return to the scene of the assault, as if to better embody the fact that the “conspiracy” against him and against American democracy had failed. A year to the day after the brutal invasion of Congress by hundreds of supporters of Donald Trump determined to prevent the certification of the presidential results, Joe Biden addressed, Thursday, an American nation more polarized and fragile than ever .

Aware that the “Big lie”, the “stolen election” lie created and inoculated by Trump and his inner circle continued to spread stealthily throughout the past year, to the point where barely a large half of Americans today believe that the November 2020 was legitimate, Joe Biden decided to counterattack. In a manner that is both solemn, presidential and unusually offensive, especially with regard to his predecessor.

Without ever naming it, but referring more than fifteen times to “the former president”, the tenant of the White House openly accused him of having trampled on democratic standards. β€œFor the first time in history, he hammered, a president not only lost an election, he tried to prevent a peaceful transfer of power. ”

“I will not back down”

Leaving for the first time in his mandate his usual red thread of “reconciliation” and some “Quest for unity”, Joe Biden placed this intervention …

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