abused children need you

/ Mom / Child / Abused children need your vigilance more than ever

During the confinement period, many child victims of abuse and violence are confined with their executioner. This Monday, March 17, to combat child abuse, Adrien Taquet, the Secretary of State for the Protection of Children, alerted the French.

"In 2006 (last figures available), the number of children reported to be at risk was 98,000 including 19,000 abused children and 79,000 children at risk of danger ", Reports the High Authority for Health (HAS). Alarming figures which indicate all forms of violence affecting the physical, psychological and psychological development of children.

Victims of daily mistreatment, these children often have only one escape, that of getting to school. But following the closure of schools since March 16, to limit the spread of the coronavirus, children are forced to stay locked up at home. A confinement that has a double impact on these vulnerable children. "For children, the danger of contamination by the virus does exist. The confinement that helps protect them however, leads to increased risks of abuse, due to situations favoring acting out at home, and an additional difficulty in locating it " alerts Adrien Taquet, Secretary of State for Child Protection.

The purpose of this device is to prevent all forms of violence, with a continuation of the permanence in the French children's courts as well as hearings in immediate appearance. "In an emergency, temporary care orders will be decided by the magistrates to guarantee their protection. " 119 "Hello Childhood in Danger" is also always listening to you, "Service 119" Hello Childhood in Danger "activated its business continuity plan to keep listeners busy, essential for identifying situations of danger or risk of danger for children. " As a reminder, this call is free and does not appear on any telephone statement.

Every minute counts

More than ever, everyone must feel concerned by this call for solidarity. Your vigilance can save lives. The time of the confinement period Adrien Taquet called for " redouble " vigilance, "And dial 119 if you witness, even hearing, even in doubt, violence against a child. "

Here is the list of child protection associations:

  • Children's Voices: 01 56 96 03 00
  • L’enfant Bleu – Abused children: 01 56 56 62 62
  • Colossus with clay feet: 07 50 85 47 10
  • Stop abuse / Childhood and Sharing: 0 800 05 1234

For more information, go here.

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