Accident in Lochau – Drunk German crashes his car over an embankment

A traffic accident in Lochau left three people injured on Saturday evening. A 42-year-old German lost control of his vehicle on Pfändestrasse. He shouldn’t have been behind the wheel for several reasons.

At around 8 p.m., the man drove from Pfände down the valley towards the Lochau village center, with a 29-year-old woman and her six-year-old daughter in the car. In a sharp left-hand bend he finally lost control of his vehicle – it crashed straight over an embankment, rolled over once and ended up lying on its roof about ten meters below the road. Fortunately, the three occupants were able to get out of the heavily damaged car on their own to free. They all escaped with minor injuries – these were treated in the Bregenz and Dornbirn hospitals. The crash will have unpleasant consequences for the driver: on the one hand, he had over one per mille of alcohol in his blood, and on the other hand, he does not have a valid driving license.
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