Accident on Lake Lucerne – Schwyz cantonal police need special equipment to search in the lake – News

  • On Sunday afternoon, a car crashed into Lake Lucerne on Axenstrasse in Brunnen (SZ).
  • The police and rescue services are still looking for missing people, as confirmed by the Schwyz cantonal police.
  • Because the lake is too deep at the corresponding point, the Schwyz cantonal police are investigating the use of special equipment such as diving robots or probes.

According to police spokesman Florian Grossmann, the lake is around 180 meters deep in the area of ​​​​the accident site. “People can no longer dive at this depth, so we need the appropriate technical equipment. This complicates the search for possible missing persons, »emphasized the police spokesman. The police divers were therefore unable to salvage the car on Sunday. Grossmann told Radio SRF1’s Central Switzerland regional journal on Monday that the divers had descended to a depth of 40 meters.

Support from other cantons

For further search operations, the Schwyz cantonal police is therefore clarifying the use of special equipment such as diving robots or probes. You are dependent on colleagues from other corps, said Grossmann. These operations required extensive planning.

The car was coming from the south in the direction of Brunnen, the Schwyz canton police said on Sunday. “Shortly after the Wolfsprung rest area, the passenger car collided with the rock on the mountain side, then spun over the oncoming lane and broke through the iron railing on the other side of the road,” said Grossmann.

After that, the vehicle fell down an almost 50 meter high rock face and sunk in Lake Lucerne. The police initially gave no information on the cause of the accident. It is also unclear exactly where the accident car is and how many people were in it.

According to the police, a loose wheel of the accident vehicle hit an oncoming car. The passenger in the car suffered minor injuries.

The canton police, the rescue service and the Ingenbohl fire brigade with the sea rescue service were deployed in large numbers. The air rescue service was also called out. Axenstrasse had to be temporarily closed due to the accident, and at times traffic was single-lane. A traffic jam formed.

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