Accident tragedy in Lower Austria – “Boys have to sit alone under the Christmas tree”

“It is a terrible tragedy. The community is in shock after this accident. All our sympathy goes to the young mother and the little orphans, two and five years old. You will be sitting alone under the Christmas tree this year,” says Mayor Bernhard Heinl from Michelhausen after the accident drama in the Tulln district. As reported, ÖFB record team player Nina Burger sat in her Audi A4 after a club party despite having a blood alcohol content of 0.54, came into oncoming traffic and crashed head-on into the car of a 37-year-old.

The father of two was on his way to work as a cook in a state facility. He was pinned in his Kia by the force of the impact – and will never return home to his loved ones. In addition to the immeasurable sadness, there is financial hardship. Because the couple was in the middle of building the house. At least here the villagers want to step in. “We spontaneously collected money at an Advent celebration on Friday evening, and I immediately had money transferred from the social fund to a donation account,” assures the village manager to the “Krone”. Social fund of the market town of Michelhausen IBAN: AT77 3288 0000 0087 5542 Burger has been suspended as head of the women’s section of First Vienna FC 1894 for the time being. She deeply regrets her drinking: “All my thoughts are with the bereaved.”
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