Accommodation Prices: These travel destinations have become more expensive

overnight rates
These destinations have become more expensive

Accommodation prices have risen at different rates around the world.

© FabrikaSimf/

According to the comparison portal “Check24”, overnight prices have increased worldwide, but to different degrees depending on the destination.

Despite global price increases for hotel accommodation, Germans continue to travel happily around the world. The particularly popular destinations are not particularly affected by the price increases, like one Investigation of the comparison portal “Check24” revealed. Those who spend their holidays within the federal borders also get off well.

Why look into the distance?

According to the study, Germany is particularly popular during this year’s summer holidays. In Germany, overnight stays cost an average of 127 euros per night and per room, twelve percent more than in the previous year. Nevertheless, Germany is relatively cheap as a travel destination.

Within the Federal Republic, German holidaymakers are primarily drawn to Bavaria. Hotel prices there rose by an average of only six percent compared to the previous year: they cost an average of 126 euros.

Price stability in Mallorca and in the USA

In the popularity chart, Spain comes right behind Germany. Here, too, the cost increases are within reason: in 2023, the average will be 157 euros, nine percent more than last year. The Balearic Islands in particular are largely keeping their price level, five percent more and thus 173 instead of 164 euros are due here on average per night.

In third-placed Italy, the price per night is 159 euros, which corresponds to a twelve percent price increase. The particularly popular Italian region of Veneto will be seven percent more expensive: 174 instead of 163 euros will cost the night here. According to “Check24”, there was particularly little movement in the price development in the USA: Here, the night costs the equivalent of 168 instead of 158 euros, i.e. “only” about six percent more. California in particular stands out positively with an increase of only four percent (178 instead of 171 euros).

Striking price jumps in Turkey

Turkey vacationers in particular have to cope with a big jump in terms of overnight stay prices: Here, an average of 212 instead of 153 euros is due, which corresponds to a whopping increase of 39 percent. For an overnight stay in the Turkish Mediterranean region, an average of 239 instead of 189 euros is required, which is at least a little less with an increase of 26 percent.

Hotel overnight stays in the Aegean region increased by an average of 35 percent compared to summer 2022, 207 instead of 153 euros have to be shelled out here.


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