According to a survey, a third of French people throw garbage out of their car window

/ Company / Company news / According to a survey, a third of French people throw garbage out of their car window

In a recent report, the Vinci Autoroutes Foundation deplores the lack of good citizenship of most French people who would be a third to throw waste on the motorway.

This Friday July 31, the Vinci Autoroutes Foundation is launching an awareness campaign aimed at reducing the waste left on the motorways. While vacation departures are in full swing right now, the Foundation reveals a survey indicating that nearly a third of French people throw their waste out of their car windows, leaving it to pile up on highways.

The figures are all the more alarming when we know that, according to the Vinci Foundation: "Every day, 25 tonnes of litter is picked up along the highways." 30% of the people questioned during this survey declared that they throw their waste out of their car window on the highway. This behavior has stagnated since 2015. If the majority of people who took part in this survey justified themselves by explaining the lack of bins on the road, the Foundation recalls that on all motorway areas, they are available: "SOn the highway, garbage cans are present in all areas " can we read in the press release.

Every day, 25 tons of litter is collected

Among the waste that is most frequently thrown on the road, we find in particular cigarette butts. 12% of French people questioned admit to throwing them out of their car window. With the recurrent use of masks, the Foundation claims that 5% of those surveyed have already thrown away or lost theirs.

The Vinci Autoroutes Foundation explains that even if the importance of ecology is at the heart of the debate at the moment, the application of the rules is not necessarily taken into account. On the contrary, according to the survey, "That shows that despite the growing importance of environmental issues in public debate, awareness and individual behavior are struggling to progress at the same pace, especially when the French are on the road or on vacation. "

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Video by Shawna Montout