According to Disney, Bethesda’s Indiana Jones game will indeed be an Xbox exclusive

Mérouan Goumiri

December 18, 2023 at 10:28 a.m.


Xbox Series

Microsoft is seriously consolidating its catalog of exclusives © Billy Freeman/Unsplash

The game Indiana Jones developed by MachineGames will indeed be a Microsoft exclusive.

In September 2020, Microsoft formalized the purchase of Bethesda Studios for the sum of $7.5 billion. If the American giant had maintained the temporary exclusivity of Ghostwire Tokyo And Deathloop on Sony’s latest console, it subsequently chose to publish its titles only on its own platforms.

The game Indiana Jones will he follow the same destiny? A Disney official responds.

Indiana Jones was originally supposed to be released on PS5

On January 12, 2021, shortly after the announcement of the acquisition of ZeniMax Media by Microsoft, Bethesda announced the development of a new game Indiana Jones through a teaser that is relatively thin on information. Designed by the talented teams at MachineGames, who are notably known for bringing the latest installments of the series to life Wolfensteinthe title from the iconic cinematographic saga was initially scheduled to land on PlayStation, Xbox and PC.

That being said, like a certain Starfield, Microsoft’s plans have since evolved greatly. Last June, in the fight between the Redmond firm and the FTC, as part of the acquisition of Activision Blizzard, we learned that the contract with Disney had been renegotiated so that the game Indiana Jones never sees the light of day on PS5.

If the exclusivity around the next MachineGames game remains so ambiguous, it is for the simple reason that the acquisition of Bethesda by Microsoft was only approved in March 2021, several months after the announcement of Indiana Jones.

Disney official confirms Xbox and PC exclusivity for Indiana Jones

A few days ago, in a long interview given to AxiosSean Shoptaw, head of Disney’s video game branch, wanted to clarify the situation regarding the game Indiana Jones. According to him, Microsoft is a sufficiently established player in the video game segment to not harm “any” player. This is what he said:

With Xbox still being one of the biggest players in the video game market, we didn’t think we were going to be too exclusive. We felt that the game would still reach a wide range of people. We also thought that, financially and strategically for the game, it made sense at that time “.

Xbox Series

From the day of its release, Indiana Jones will be available in Game Pass © Microsoft

You will have understood, there is now no longer the shadow of a doubt that the game Indiana Jones will be exclusive to PC and Xbox Series X|S. For now, we unfortunately don’t know what the MachineGames title will look like. Will it be a worthy heir to the saga Uncharteditself strongly influenced by Indiana Jonesor should we expect a title in first person view?

Still on the Bethesda studio side, remember that the Arkane Lyon teams took advantage of the Game Awards 2023 ceremony to unveil the announcement trailer for Marvel’s Bladewhich will also be exclusive to Microsoft consoles.

Microsoft Xbox Series


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  • Backward compatibility at its best
  • The Quick Resume, difficult to go back
  • Built for the future (HDMI 2.1, dolby vision/atmos, VRR)

Microsoft has created an impressive console, equally at home on thousands of titles from previous generations, as well as on the demanding AAAs to come. The best part is that you will enjoy this experience in absolute silence, to concentrate on the main thing: the games. We’ll have to wait a little longer before the Xbox Series

Microsoft has created an impressive console, equally at home on thousands of titles from previous generations, as well as on the demanding AAAs to come. The best part is that you will enjoy this experience in absolute silence, to concentrate on the main thing: the games. We’ll have to wait a little longer before the Xbox Series

Source : Axios

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