According to men: These are the mistakes women make in a relationship

According to men
These relationship flaws are typical of women

© Vitaliipixels / Shutterstock

Phew, we women are really bad! At least that’s what you might get from listening to men talk about our worst relationship mistakes …

I admit: I have already cursed my heterosexuality one time or another in relationships and thought to myself: “With a woman everything would be so much easier …”. Well, it looks like men know this feeling too. In any case, with “Reddit“some representatives of the other species – ääääh – of the opposite sex shared with each other, which relationship mistakes women like to make in their experience. Well, who feels a little addressed here and there …?

Relationship mistakes that women in particular make – according to men!

1. Not directly saying what’s going on (aka expecting sensitivity from a man)

“The classic penal silence: ‘What did I do wrong?’ ‘Well, if you don’t know yourself – at least I won’t tell you.’ “

“Don’t tell us what’s going on. It’s a cliché, but it’s true. Just tell us what’s up!”

2. Brackets (aka being fully there for the partner)

“Having no life outside of the relationship. It is healthy to have different groups of friends and hobbies so that you don’t forget who and what made you happy before the relationship.”

3. Perfectionism (aka having ideals and dreaming)

“That fantasy of the perfect relationship, based on an unspoken standard by which they judge a partnership. And then they get mad if you don’t meet the standard they never explained to you …”

4. Misinterpretation (aka healthy realism)

“Always assume the worst. Communication is an imprecise art. Every sentence can probably be interpreted in at least five different ways. In my experience, many women automatically assume that a sentence was meant in the most negative of these five possible ways.”

5. Don’t apologize (aka don’t get into debt)

“My partner never apologizes for anything. She’s ‘flawless’. That’s her worst quality.”

6. Don’t make compliments (aka assume the partner is self-confident)

“A lot of people hardly ever bother to compliment us. And that’s annoying.”

7. Apply pressure (aka make clear announcements)

“Please, girls, don’t give us ultimatums to end the relationship if something doesn’t suit you. I promise the average man will disappoint you if you tell him, ‘either me or the video game!'”

8. Blasphemy (aka talking to friends about problems)

“Tell friends or colleagues only the bad things about their partner. And then be angry when they advise them”Serve him up, the guy’s an ass.‘”

Naaaa good, we already admit it: Of course, women don’t always do everything one hundred percent perfectly and right in a relationship, either. But isn’t it often precisely our mistakes that make us so lovable? So us humans, dear ladies and gentlemen …?

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According to men: These relationship flaws are typical of women


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