According to study: What older women would like to tell their younger selves

What older women would like to pass on to their younger selves

What would you like to say to your younger self?

We all want to look back on our lives and say that we enjoyed it to the fullest and have hardly any regrets – but we usually only realise this when we are older. In the video, we explain which tips older women would like to give their younger selves based on a study.

Make the most of the day, be grateful for the little things and live in the here and now. There are pieces of wisdom that people tell us again and again and that we read again and again. We try to internalize them and put them into practice, but as we get older we often think about what we would have liked to have known in retrospect. What would you like to pass on to your younger self if you could?

Life wisdom: This is what older women recommend

The question was asked to women over 60 in the “Sixty and Me” community. In the video you will find out what wisdom they have taken from life and how you can implement it now.

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