According to the horoscope: These are the lucky ones in 2023

According to the horoscope
These are the lucky ones of 2023

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Get ready for the lucky year 2023. The horoscope reveals which zodiac signs will receive the full package of luck this year.

If you are one of the following zodiac signs, then you can particularly happy estimate! We reveal which signs of the zodiac from great luck benefit and how you can become the best version of yourself this year.


The Mars year will be a lot of changesbut also good chances at the same time entail. It’s time to get rid of legacy, eliminate negativity, and open up to new perspectives. What do you need for this? basic trust. Let yourself go fate instead of your “I want…”. Even if that sounds like a big hurdle for your head at first: It will be your cosmic key to happiness. Also, always remember that while love and relationships are important, make sure you take care of your own well-being and don’t lose sight of your health. You will advance in all areas of life in 2023 if you manage to let go a little more of your to free self-doubt and start trusting yourself more. In the meantime there may be temporary setbacks or disappointments, but the energy of the planets and the divine providence of the universe are at your side.


This year you will reach the goal your place in the world to find, closer than ever. The events of the past few years have greatly expanded your awareness and now it is time for practical action and results. the karmic order attitude will change, so that your efforts will bear the long-awaited fruits. Important here: do not lose focus and always make room for yourself then luck is all on your side. On beautiful ritual for your new start: write your wishes for the year on a piece of paper, magically charge it with incense using joss sticks and carry the piece of paper with you for a day. Then give to the fire and burn.


The year 2023 may come, and it brings increasing spiritual influence on love and relationships. This year is the optimal time to be interpersonal To deepen and strengthen relationships of any kind. The good thing is that you have a lot of spiritually strong energy that will help you achieve your goals in all areas of life. But don’t overdo it. Because of your “all or nothing” attitude, you tend to push yourself to the point of exhaustion if need be. Sometimes you don’t realize how burned out you really are until your body sends you clear signals. Take plenty of time for Meditations and your mental well-beingto ensure your inner balance.

Sources used: BRIGITTE annual horoscope,,


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