According to the study: You can recognize unfaithful men by their face

According to a study
This is how you can tell whether a man is cheating or not

© Hrecheniuk Oleksii / Shutterstock

Do we look at people to see if they are prone to infidelity? Apparently men do, as an Australian study suggests …

There are typical signs of infidelity. Does he always quickly put his cell phone away when you come into the room? Has he been working overtime all the time lately? Does he meet up with his friends and hardly talk about them afterwards? Or do you have the feeling that you are somehow excluded from a part of his life? Usually we can tell very well by such things when our partner is cheating on us – at least subliminally. Whether we will then admit it is another matter entirely …

But is it possible to tell in advance of a relationship whether a person is unfaithful and tends to cheat on his partner? Apparently it does with men, as scientists from the University of Western Australia have now found.

Respondents recognized facial infidelity in men

For their infidelity study published in the specialist magazine “Royal Society Open Science“was published, the Australian researchers surveyed a little over 1,500 people between the ages of 18 and 75, asking them about 189 photographs of men and women. For each photograph, respondents were asked whether they thought the person depicted was faithful or unfaithful.

Most of the test subjects identified men with very distinctive male facial features such as strong jaws, narrow lips and conspicuous eyebrows as strangers – and were exactly right. In a self-questioning, these men had admitted that they were not so strict about loyalty and even liked to relax their partner to other people.

In the case of women’s faces, the test subjects found it much more difficult to recognize whether the person in question was trustworthy or to be treated with caution. Neither particularly feminine features nor more androgynous facial shapes triggered suspicion in a significant majority of respondents – and the self-reports of the women depicted showed no correlations between the tendency to infidelity and face.

Why is the gut feeling so reliable?

The researchers explained the (largely reliable) gut feeling of the respondents, on the basis of which they judged men with masculine faces to be affine for cheating, by saying that a male charisma is generally more attractive to women. Subconsciously, according to the scientists, it would be clear to us that such men would have a greater choice, would be tempted more often – and the woman at their side could change more quickly and easily.

But does that mean that we should avoid masculine types altogether in order not to be cheated on? Not in the least, and that is what the study directors pointed out! Test subjects recognized many male cheaters by their facial features. Indeed the proportion of unfaithful men with masculine faces was not so much higher than that of those with softer forms that a real rule could be derived from itthe researchers said. Also: Who says that men have very masculine traits really have a larger selection and it is easier for you to relax other friends? After all, they seem to be less trustworthy to many – so maybe women are more cautious with them …?

In any case, regardless of whether someone has hard or soft facial features, broad or narrow shoulders, short or long hair – before we exclude or condemn them from the outset on the basis of a gut feeling, we should give everyone the same chance.


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