According to Valérie Pécresse, “Emmanuel Macron will bequeath two debts: ecological and economic”

The candidate LR Valérie Pécresse, invited to the Grandes Gueules de RMC on Tuesday March 22, returned to her program in detail, in particular on the themes of health, fuels and justice. She also criticized Emmanuel Macron’s record.

LR candidate Valérie Pécresse was not stingy with criticism of Emmanuel Macron and his record this morning on RMC: “Emmanuel Macron is fleeing the debate of this campaign because he does not want to answer for his record on the public services to the bone, which means that we are world champions of taxation and not of public services. The President of the Region was then questioned on certain points of her campaign. First medicine and health: “In liberal medicine, we have five million French people without attending physicians, it is unworthy. I propose health alliances in the territories and decentralize everything. Instead of starting from above, I start from below and do the opposite of what has been done. Let us entrust all the doctors present on the territory with the maximum number of missions. »

She also added that no Frenchman can believe, “while inflation is at 3.5-4%, that consulting a general practitioner who has studied nine years, soon ten with my system, cost 25 euros? I put at thirty euros the consultation “but also that it was necessary that” the State [permette] people to go a little higher.”

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And what about abstention: 29% according to the figures? “You must tell young people that this election is the election of future generations because the outgoing president will bequeath them two debts: ecological with a condemnation of France to 0 carbon and economic.” Developing her energy program in the process, Valérie Pécresse declared that with her, there will be “a reinvestment[ement] in nuclear. The problem with the president is that there is no imagination in his program […] Today the real subject is who is capable of making 0 carbon by 2050, I think it’s a right that relies on Gaullism on nuclear power and our farmers are ready to help us become producers of energy (with biomethane in particular).

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“Macron leaves you with an abysmal financial debt,” she explained.

Macron’s results were then scrutinized, and the candidate did not mince words, whether on the economic side or in terms of territorial organization: “We must regain our sovereignty and attention, Macron leaves an abysmal financial debt. I am the only one who talks about the debt and to propose real savings: 200,000 job cuts for civil servants, the shock of simplification, decentralization. I have the courage to tell the truth and thanks to these savings I recruit: in teaching, in the hospital, justice, disaster services: to protect, educate, treat.

On the issue of fuels, she castigated the government’s gadget measures: “Is something happening on April 10? Because a lot of checks arrive on March 31… I would have made transparency […] I am told that it is 25 centimes per liter of increases in state resources. I would have returned the money! I would have helped companies to reduce tax with a fuel check because many of them want to help employees”, crucifying the outgoing president and his measure on the RSA: “We were talking about the RSA, but today we have employees with small salaries that count to the nearest euro. »

Valérie Pécresse affirmed that, under her five-year term, “there will be real savings on bureaucracy”, that she will “de-standardize and increase salaries thanks to a drop in charges”, adding, on pensions, that ‘ “a society that does not index pensions to inflation is a society that sacrifices its elders when they have worked all their lives to have a dignified retirement.” She also explained that even her retirement measure at 65 – except for those who had difficult jobs – was not popular, but that it was going in the right direction: “We must encourage people to return to use. It’s a real right-wing program, it may not be popular, but I’m telling the truth. The French know that we have to restore order. Including in the street, where I want to put back the minimum sentences for repeat offenders and that when you attack an authority figure it’s a year in prison.

And justice in all this? “There are 62 Republican reconquest neighborhoods and in these areas, we will put 30% more police […] I want to recruit 16,000 magistrates, clerks, prison guards. It’s a 50% budget increase. I want us to be able to judge well and quickly.”

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