Actor Gérard Depardieu lands on Instagram

Sacred monster of French cinema, actor Gérard Depardieu has decided to join Instagram, to the delight of his fans.

“Hi Instagram, it’s Depardieu,” he captioned his first photo. The 73-year-old actor, present on the social network since Tuesday, February 15, received a very warm welcome.

“Welcome Mr. Depardieu, very happy to see you here”, “can’t wait to follow your adventures”, “You here, finally”, “The boss of the cinema”, can we read in particular in the comments.

Certified just after his registration, Gérard Depardieu then published a snapshot in which he poses next to a framed photo of him and Russian President Vladimir Poutine, to whom he is close. “Friendship…”, he simply commented.

To date, the actor is followed by more than 3500 people, but his number of subscribers should quickly increase. “You won’t be disappointed, if you want to yell, I’ll yell for you,” he said in a video.

Currently showing in “Retirement home”, Gérard Depardieu will be back in cinemas on February 23 in “Maigret”, the new film by Patrice Leconte, in which he delivers an incredibly accurate performance.

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