Actress Souheila Yacoub, champion of the splits

By Valentin Perez

Published today at 00:35

In the black and white of Salt of Tears, by Philippe Garrel (2020), a man evolves between the women who attract him. The plot is classic: love and unbinding, obstacles and embraces. Then, in the sixty-fifth minute, Souheila Yacoub tumbles. And, in a feverish rock and some fiery scenes, awakens the whole thing with an electric vibration. Since this experience with Philippe Garrel, at the time his teacher at the Paris Conservatory, Souheila Yacoub, born twenty-nine years ago in Switzerland, has continued to tour.

“I tend to say yes to everything for fear of not working”, she admits straight away. Kurdish fighter (the miniseries No Man’s Land, on Arte, in 2020) or companion of a thug (the film Low floor, by Yassine Qnia, in 2021), she is also the daughter of the President of the Republic in the series by Rebecca Zlotowski, The Savages (2019), in which she plays with rapper Fianso (Sofiane Zermani), who pops up by chance – ” Salvation The world ! » – two tables from the one where she tells her story in front of a café, in a hotel in the Marais.

Tears of joy, energy of despair

Before revealing, on March 30, a more comic aspect of his game in In body, by Cédric Klapisch, a eulogy to dance and resilience in which she embodies an eruptive resourcefulness who resolves conflicts in bed, she will be, on March 16, a tragic heroine in between the waves, the first feature film by Anaïs Volpé, where she shares the screen with Déborah Lukumuena. “Two rooms, two atmospheres…”, she laughs.

“Two women, people want it to pull their hair out. Me, what I see is that between actresses, there is on the contrary a real support. » Souheila Yacoub

For this story of camaraderie between two apprentice actresses, one of whom sees the other sink, she had first passed the casting for the role of Alma, the defeat. “His trajectory was more marked. The other, Margot, demanded to go through difficult emotions, on a roller coaster. And then, she was closer to me, which scared me. ” However, when Anaïs Volpé forced her to try a reading for this character who mixes tears of joy and energy of despair, she herself had to agree: “I felt in the right place, fairer. »

between the waves praises friendship that nothing alters, solidarity. “During the financing, I know that Anaïs heard that it was a shame that the two actresses did not compete. Two women, people want it to pull their hair out. Me, what I see is that between actresses, there is on the contrary a real support. Between us, in my generation, Lyna [Khoudri]Anamaria [Vartolomei]Nadia [Tereszkiewicz], we know well when we pass the same castings. But we look at each other and we exchange with kindness. » Certainly, the failed attempts are generally worth it, she admits, “two days of sadness”. Then, with a steely smile, she sweeps away the pain of her favorite slogan: “We only make movies. »

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